In EDT, the course unites all the resources that have to be mobilized in the same slot: teacher(s), students and material resources, even if these resources are distributed in several class meetings. A course can assemble several teachers, classes and
rooms. During the course placement, the software verifies if all the course’s resources are available for the chosen slot.
Create the courses
There are several ways that you can create a course. Choose which one or the combination of which ones based on what you have already done or recovered in the database:
- easily create the courses directly in EDT, use the commands Edit > New course (New course) and Edit > Duplicate (Duplicate)
to accelerate the entry;
- if you calculated the provisional requirements in the tab Pre-incoming year, you will save time by generating the courses from the provisional class services (Generate the courses from the ETM);
- if you have recovered the services from STWEB, you can convert them into courses (Transform into several courses);
- if you have recovered the courses from last year, you must verify and conduct all the necessary modifications;
- if you have automatically generated the specialization groups, you can automatically generate the corresponding courses (Specializations);
- if you know the place of a course in advance, you can trace and lock it in the grids (Trace a course);
- if you have a list of courses in a text file, you can import them (Excel (import)).
Definition of the alignments
To indicate to the software that the courses must be held in parallel, in sequence, in alternation, etc., you create complex courses composed of all the class meetings that must remained linked in the timetable (Complex courses).
Characteristics of the courses
According to your needs, you can specify some of the following characteristics:
- the frequency: by default, a course has a weekly frequency; you can modify it to obtain a course in fortnights (Frequency of a course);
- the weight: useful if the course is not counted in the same manner in the teacher’s service (Weighting);
- the alternation (Alternation of the courses);
- the unavailability: if you know in advance that the course should not take place in some slots, indicate them (Unavailability);
- the co-teaching: if the course has two teachers and be transferred to STWEB as a co-teaching course, it must be specified (Co-teaching).
According to the parameters that you have activated, you can also specify the following characteristics:
- the periods: if the year is broke down into periods, you can indicate the periods where the course does not take place (Periods); if the course takes place in several periods, indicate if it
must always take place in the same place or if its place can change according to the period (frame Placement features in the course creation window);
- the site: if the management of distant sites is activated (Split sites) and if you have not allocated the room to the course, indicate the site where the course should take place (if you
have allocated a room to the course before the placement, you do not need to specify the site of the course: it automatically inherits the site of the room);
- the compliance for the recesses: if recess management is activated (Recesses), indicate if the course must or must not imperatively comply with the recesses (meaning, do not overlap them);
- the family: if you have created your own classification criteria, you can classify your course according to the criteria (Family).
Placement of the courses
Manual placement (Manual placement) must be reserved for a few courses that you know where they will be placed before starting the elaboration of the timetable and for the courses that you will displace during
the final adjustments.
For all the other courses, you launch automatic placements while proceeding by series (Automatic placement).
To know if a course is placed, unplaced, etc., view the column Course status (Course status).
Modification of the courses
Courses can be modified for the entire year (Annual timetable) or for just a few class meetings (Timetable per week).
Modify the resources of a course
Course form
Modify the courses in the grids
Cancel the course in the time table of the week
Course duration
Displace the courses
Locking of the courses in the same place
Permute two courses
Sunder a course
Follow up the modifications made on a course
- Go to the wanted tab:
- Timetable > Course >
- Daily management and absences > Course >
- Consult the columns Modified the, Modified by and Previous modif. If you do not see these columns, click on the button
on the top right of the list to display them (List).
Sort and configuration of the courses
Configure the display of the courses
Contents of the courses
Find all the courses of a resource
- Go to the tab Timetable > Teachers/Classes/Groups/Rooms >
- Select the resource, right-click and choose Extract > Extract the courses of the selection or use the short cut [Crtl + U] (Extract the data).
- You will be automatically transferred to the display Timetable > Course >
List: only the courses
with the resource are displayed in the list.