
Breaking down the year into periods allows you to manage the strong variations of the timetable during the year (changing the timetable every trimester or semester, a three week class trip with the reorganization of the timetable for the remaining classes, etc.). If your modifications only concern a few courses (replacements, canceled courses, occasional courses, etc.), conduct them from the tab Daily management and absences.

Breakdown the year into periods (semester, trimester, etc.)

  1. Go to the menu Parameters > institution > Periods.
  2. Click on the button Divide year into periods.
  3. In the drop-down menu, choose the type of breakdown bi-annual, quarterly or weekly.
  4. EDT automatically creates as many periods as necessary: click-drag the separation cursors to specify when a period ends and when the following begins.

Create a customized breakdown

  1. Go to the menu Parameters > institution > Periods.
  2. If you have already created a period, click on the button Divide year into periods.
  3. In the drop-down menu, select Customized.
  4. Double-click on a week to operate a division: the white separation cursor appears, you can move it. Repeat the operation as many times as you need.
  5. The periods are listed in the table: double-click in the column Period to rename them.
  6. If two periods have the same timetable but are not successive (for example, both having a temporary reorganization), select them in the list [Ctrl + click] and click on the button Reunite the periods.

Work on a period

Click on one period on the bottom of the screen to select it.

Then click on Year to de-select the  period.

You can work in multi-selection: hold the key [Ctrl] pressed to select several periods (in the same periodic breakdown).

When you work on a period, you only see:

When you work inside a period, some modifications are only effective in this period:

Caution, some characteristics are always modified throughout the entire year: subject, placement properties stationary/variable, status for exports, locking.

 New  Compare the timetable of a resource over several periods

You can display side by side the timetables of the same resource over several periods.

  1. In all the displays  Timetable, select the resources in the list on the left.
  2. Tick A period per grid and then choose the wanted period breakdown to display the corresponding period bar.
  3. Select 2 Ttble to view the semesters simultaneously, 3 Ttble for trimesters.

Specify the default breakdown of the classes (if several breakdowns are created)

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Classes >  List.
  2. Select the classes having the same breakdown, right-click and choose Modify > Breakdown.
  3. In the popup window, select the default breakdown and validate.

Specify the course’s period before placement

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Course >  List.
  2. Select the courses taking place in the same period, right-click and choose Modify > Periods if possible.
  3. In the popup window, un-tick the periods when the course does not take place and validate.

Note: you can also proceed with a single selection, by double-clicking in the column Periods.

Allow EDT to change the course's place according to the periods

By default, the courses are stationary: EDT finds a place for all the periods of the course. If you want to give the calculator more possibilities and agree to have different timetables for different periods, you can make the courses variable.

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Course >  List.
  2. Select the courses that can change places, right click and choose Render variable.

Conduct the specifications per period in a complex course

  1. In the complex course’s specification window, either you choose a distribution mode that includes the modifications per period or you tick the option Display the period bar above the class meetings.
  2. Highlight the concerned period before conducting the wanted modifications (add or remove a resource, modify the frequency, etc.).

Seal a period

  1. Go to the menu Parameters > institution > Periods.
  2. Double-click in the column Seal: you can no longer modify the concerned timetable in the tab Timetable (on the other hand, the modifications remain possible in the tab Daily management and absences).