Key in a letter.
Click on the first line of the list, fill in the proposed fields and validate every entry with the key [Enter].
Select the data, press on the key [Del] or right-click and choose Delete (also available in multi-selection).
Click-drag the title of the column to the desired location.
Click on the title of the column to sort the list according to this column.Reverse the sorting on the list by clicking again on the column title, which then appears in reverse alphabetical order.
Click-drag on the edge of the column title to re-scale it.
Note: a double-click on the edge of the column allows you to automatically re-scale to the widest entry of the column.
Maintain the key [Ctrl] pressed and place the cursor of the mouse on the concerned cell: EDT outlines the corresponding line and column.
Some lists possess several tree structure levels. Click on the arrow that precedes an element to fold or unfold it, or click on the button on the top right of the list to fold or unfold
all the elements at once.
Also see