
The families allow you to sort the data according to criteria that were not initially planned in EDT.

Create the families and link the data to the rubrics

Create a family

  1. Go to the menu Parameters > general > Families.
  2. Click on New family, enter a designation and validate with the key [Enter].
  3. Double-click in the column Used for and in the popup window tick the data that can be sorted under this criterion.
  4. Click on New rubric to enter the possible values, by validating every step with the key [Enter].

Link the data to a rubric

  1. From a list, select the data to be linked to the same rubric.
  2. Right-click and choose Modify > Family.
  3. In the popup window, tick the rubric and validate.

Create a family and link the data to the rubrics via an Excel import

  1. In the Excel file, provide a column for the family. Respect the syntax <Family>Rubric to indicate to which rubric the data belongs. It is not necessary to create the family and rubrics in EDT before importing, they are automatically created.
  2. In the data import window, for this column indicate that it is a Family (Excel (import)).

Use the families

Sort the data by family in the list

From a list, either you sort the list in the column corresponding to the family, or you activate the dedicated display by clicking on the button  on the top right of the list and select the family to be taken into account in the drop-down menu on the top of the list: the data is grouped by rubric.

Assemble the resources by rubric in the selection window

In a selection window, select the family to organize all the data proposed by the rubric.