Annual timetable

The annual timetable is constructed and available for consultation in the tab Timetable.

Develop the annual timetable

  1. Create the courses in the base using the method of your choice (Course): you indicate which resources must have a course at the same time and for what subject, without allocating a place for the course.
  2. Once the courses are created, allow EDT to find a place for the courses by proceeding in series (Automatic placement).
  3. When all the courses have a place in the grids, launch the optimization: the calculator attempts numerous combinations to ameliorate the timetables (reduce the number of gap hours and isolated courses, if possible extricate free half-days) (Optimize the timetables).

Find the modifications of the annual timetable in the weekly timetable

If you modify the timetable during the year, the modifications are taken into account in the weekly timetable for the rest of the year, starting from the date indicated in the menu Parameters > daily management > Placement. This date remains visible and editable above the annual timetable.

Import the timetables that were modified in a copy of the base

Import the modified timetables

Send the annual timetables





Displays for the timetables

Display several timetables side by side

  1. In all the displays  Timetable, select a first resource to display its timetable.
  2. In the drop-down menu on the bottom right, select 2, 3 or 4 timetables.
  3. Click-drag a resource from the list on the left or from a course form to display its timetable.

Superimposition of multiple timetables

Rather than just juxtaposing timetables, overlay them to quickly spot the free slots common to the resources.

  1. In all the displays  Timetable, select the resources in the list on the left.
  2. Tick the option Superimposition mode on the top right.

 New  Compare several periods of a timetable


Customize the display of the grids and courses

  1. In all the displays  Timetable, select a resource to display its timetable.
  2. Click on the button  on the top right of the timetable to display the user preferences. You can modify the contents of the course (Contents of the courses) and modify the range of the days and times that are displayed.