New course

Create a new course without placing it (unplaced course)

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Course >  List.
  2. In the menu Edit, choose New course or use the shortcut [Ctrl + N].
  3. In the popup window, specify the duration and frequency of the course.
  4. Add all the resources to the course by clicking on each one: Subject, Teachers, Groups/Classes/Parts, Rooms and eventually Staff and Equipment.
  5. If you already know the courses should not take place in some slots, enter the unavailability in the grid on the right (Unavailability). You can also indicate a placement preference by entering the wishes (Wishes).
  6. According to the activated features, EDT can suggest to fill in the other fields (site, comply with the recesses…). You can always enter these constraints later, after the creation of the course.
  7. Click on the button Create: the course is added to the list.
  8. You then can specify the other characteristics of the course (Course).

Accelerate the entry of the courses

To work quickly, you can rapidly create similar courses then differentiate them using the course form or the list of courses.

Create multiple copies of a course

In the course creation window, add the common resources to a series of courses (for example the subject and teacher to create all the courses at once) and select the number of copies in the drop-down menu below.

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Course >  List.
  2. Add the missing resources from the course form of every course (for example, the class if you have create all of the courses of a teacher).

Duplicate a course

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Course >  List.
  2. Select the course, right-click and choose Duplicate, or use the shortcut [Ctrl + D].
  3. You will find the two courses in the list: you can modify their resources from the course form.

Note: if the original course was placed, the duplicated course is on the other hand unplaced.

Transform a service into several courses

Transform into several courses

Generate the hours for class animation

Class animation

Create a new course directly in the grid

Trace a course