
Unavailability corresponds to slots in which the resource (teacher, class, room) is not available or the course cannot take place for one reason or another. Unavailability (in red) is strictly complied with during an automatic placement. During a manual placement, they are indicated but the user can choose to ignore them.

The less you enter unavailability, the better the timetable. If unavailability does not have an imperative nature, use the time constraints (Time constraints (teachers, classes)) or enter optional unavailability (in orange): you can authorize EDT to ignore them if they are too restrictive.

Enter unavailability (in red)

Before entering unavailability, see if you can use the time constraints (Time constraints (teachers, classes)): for example, you can guarantee the free half-days without establishing them (it is the same with numerous types of time arrangements).

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Teachers/Classes/Rooms/Course/Staff/Equipment > Unavailability.
  2. Select the resource(s) in the list on the left.
  3. Select the red paintbrush on the top of the grid.
  4. If the unavailability is only in one week out of two, select the concerned week.
  5. Click-drag on the slots where the resource is not available.

Note: if courses have already been placed, they are marked with the icon .

Enter the optional unavailability (in orange)

The optional unavailability is complied with during an automatic placement, but you can authorize the solver to ignore it in the case of a course in failure. To be used on short time ranges, otherwise they will inevitably block the placement!

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Teachers/Classes/Rooms/Course/Staff/Equipment > Unavailability.
  2. Select the resource(s) in the list on the left.
  3. Select the orange paintbrush on the top of the grid.
  4. If the unavailability is only in one week out of two, select the concerned week.
  5. Click-drag on the slots where the resource is not available.

Enter the default unavailability for the classes/teachers

Doing it this way is particularly useful to set the lunch break if you are not using half-board management (Half-board).

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Teachers/Classes >Unavailability.
  2. In the menu Edit, select Teachers' standard grid/Classes' standard grid.
  3. In the popup window, click-drag on the time ranges that are in common: every new resource will have the unavailability by default. (If you want to enter this unavailability for the already existing resources, proceed in multi-selection as indicated above.)

 New  View cumulative unavailability by class

You can view, compare and modify the wishes and unavailability of all classes on the same screen.

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Classes > Schedule of unavailability, wishes and constraints.
  2. Select several classes in the list on the left.
  3. When only a part of the classes are involved, the slot is a shade lighter.

See when a course placement does not comply with the unavailability

  1. In all the displays  Timetable, select the course and click on it to transfer to Diagnosis mode (Diagnosis of a course).
  2. Move the green frame to the wanted slot. If one of the resources is unavailable in this slot, a red square is displayed in front of it.

Do not take into account the optional unavailability during a placement

Go to the menu Solver > Launch the automatic solver.

If courses remain in failure after the placement and a first attempt of the automatic solver (Solver), you can relaunch it by authorizing the placement in optional unavailability: in the frame Search options, tick the resources for which you authorize the calculator to ignore the optional unavailability (the unavailability entered in red is always complied with).

 Also see

Desiderata (parents/teachers meetings)

Time constraints (teachers, classes)
