Displace the courses

In the annual timetable

Displace a course until the end of the year

If you want to change the course’s place for the rest of the year, do it from the annual timetable while verifying the date when the modifications should be taken into account in the drop-down menu above the grid.

  1. In all the displays Timetable and Schedule, select a resource in the list on the left to display its timetable.
  2. Double-click on the course to be moved, to transfer to diagnosis mode (Diagnosis of a course). EDT displays the available slots in white and the slots where you can place the course by ignoring some pedagogical constraints in blue.
  3. Click-drag the green frame in the free slot and double-click inside it to confirm the displacement.

In the weekly timetable

Displace a course in the same week

  1. In all the displays Timetable of the week, select a resource in the list on the left to display its timetable.
  2. Select the concerned week in the slider on the top right.
  3. Double-click on the course to be moved, to transfer to diagnosis mode (Diagnosis of a course). EDT displays the available slots in white and the slots where you can place the course by ignoring some pedagogical constraints in blue.
  4. Click-drag the green frame in the free slot and double-click inside it to confirm the displacement.
  5. The course is displayed with the label Displaced course (Labels for the courses).

Displace a course to another week

  1. In all the displays Multi-weekly schedule, select a resource in the list on the left to display its timetable.
  2. Select in the slider on the top right, the week of the course to be moved as well as the weeks on which you envisage the displacement [Ctrl + click].
  3. If the day of the week remains the same, in the drop-down menu, select Tab per day to limit the information displayed on the screen.
  4. Double-click on the course to be moved, to transfer to diagnosis mode (Diagnosis of a course). EDT displays the available slots in white and the slots where you can place the course by ignoring some pedagogical constraints in blue.
  5. Click-drag the green frame in the free slot and double-click inside it to confirm the displacement.
  6. The course is displayed with the label Displaced course (Labels for the courses).

Displace a course to another week and eventually change the room

  1. In all the displays  Timetable of the week , select a resource in the list on the left to display its timetable.
  2. Select the concerned week in the slider on the top right.
  3. Select the class meeting.
  4. Click on the button Displace to another week from the course form or click on the button  on the top right of the timetable.
  5. In the popup window, select the wanted week in the slider, if necessary modify the information taken from the course form and click on the button Search for free slots: EDT displays the available slots in white. The numbers correspond to the number of available rooms for each slot.
  6. On the right, select a slot to display the rooms. If the customary room is available, it is preselected by default. If not, select one.
  7. Click on Displace the course.
  8. The course is displayed with the label Displaced course or Modified course depending on whether it is the same the room of the initial course or not (Labels for the courses).

Defer all the day's courses to another day

  1. In all the displays  Timetable of the week, select one or several resource in the list on the left, right-click and choose Defer the selection's courses.
  2. In the popup window, select the day when the courses take place and the day to which they should be transferred. By default, all the courses of the day are concerned; if you do not want to displace some courses, click-drag on the corresponding slots in the grid to erase the selection.
  3. Validate.