
Import the students into the base

Excel (import)




Allow EDT to assign the students to the classes

Automatic distribution of the students (pre-incoming year)

Assign the students to their class and groups

Arrival/Departure date (group, class)


Group of students

Change the students in a group according to the weeks

Group with a variable population

Consult the list of students in a course

  1. In all the displays Timetable, select a course.
  2. Click on the button  on the top right of the timetable.

Print the list of students in a class/group

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Classes/Groups >  Students.
  2. Select a class/group or several classes/groups in the list on the left.
  3. Click on the button  in the tool bar.
  4. In the popup window, select Printer as the Type of output.
  5. Select the page layout options of your choice.
    • If you print a multi-selection of classes or groups, tick A table per class and part/group and component to distinguish them, and eventually A table per page.
    • to print both the students in a class and their groups, tick Print the students of the parts.
  6. In the tab Contents, choose the columns to be displayed and where they should be placed.
  7. Verify the results via Preview, and then click on Print.

Note: you can also print the list of students seen by every teacher at the same time as the other useful documents in the incoming year folder (Teacher).

Complete the student form


E-mail address


Permission slip


Postal address


Student's commitments

Student's date of birth

Students with a grant

Consult a student’s timetable

Customize a student’s timetable

By default, a student’s timetable is made up of the courses of his/her class and groups to which he/she has been assigned. It is possible to add him/her to other courses as a detached student (Customized timetable ( ULIS, SAGPA, Etc.).

Find the students that have left the institution

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Students >  List.
  2. In the first drop-down menu above the list, select Classes.
  3. In the second drop-down menu, select Students departed from the institution: the students are displayed shadowed.