Group of students

The group is a set of students that the teacher sees but not in a full class. A group can be composed of a class part (for example, a half-class) or several class parts from one or several classes.

In order not to create redundant groups, it is best to allow EDT to create the groups during the specification of the complex courses (Complex courses) or from the population per specialization for the groups in the 10th and 11th grade (Specializations). EDT creates a group for every teacher + subject + public combination encountered during the creation of a complex course and reuses this group for the same combination.

Creation of the groups

Provide the necessary details in EDT for the generation of groups

Complex courses

Specify in EDT that the 2 generated groups are in fact one and the same group

If you did not indicate while specifying a complex course that the group already exists and that EDT, detecting a new teacher-subject-public combination, has generated a new group that is a double, you must merge these two groups.

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Groups >  List.
  2. Select the groups [Ctrl + Click], right-click and choose Identify the groups.
  3. In the confirmation window, you can see what group will replace the other and if needed Inverse the name of the groups.

Create the groups in half-classes


Create the groups for the specialization studies (High school reform)


Create a group from a selection of students

EDT automatically creates groups when creating complex courses. You  can nevertheless create them manually. For example for a courses in a non-aligned group.

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Groups >  List.
  2. Select the students to be grouped, right-click and choose Create a group with the selected students.
  3. In the popup window, name the group and choose its type:
    • create a group of detached students only if you need to superimpose their classes with other courses in a group or full class. Students will remain available even if their class is in course. In particular, it allows students with special educational needs to be managed when they are outside their inclusion class (Customized timetable (ULIS,SAGPA, ETC.)).
    • create a classic group in all other cases: there will be no risk that the courses in this group will be superimposed on courses that students must also take.
  4. In the case of a classic group, click the button  to define the subject.
  5. Validate:  you will find the group in the list of groups. EDT automatically created the necessary parts and assigned the students: you can view them from the tab Timetable > Groups >  Components.

Create a group manually

EDT automatically creates the groups during the creation of the complex courses. However you can still manually create the groups, either directly from a selection of students (see above) or by combining the pre-existing class parts (this solution can be useful if you do not have students in your base).

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Groups >  Components.
  2. Click on the creation line, enter a name for the group and validate with the key [Enter].
  3. Click on the line Add a component.
  4. In the popup window, tick the class parts to be added and validate: the students that are members of the components, they are automatically found in the group.

Add/Remove a part to/from a group

No matter if it is generated by EDT or created manually, you can always remove a part from a group. On the other hand, you can only add a part to a group if it does not have a link with the other parts of the group (Link between the parts).

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Groups >  Components.
  2. Select the group in the list on the left.
  3. In the list on the right:

Assigning the students in the groups

Automatically assign the students to their groups according to their options

 Prerequisite  The students’ options/electives are filled in and correspond to the subject of the courses or class meetings in the case of complex courses (the designation must be identical).

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Groups >  List.
  2. Select the groups to be filled, right-click and choose Automatically assign the students. The students are placed in the groups according to their options/electives (Option/Elective).

Automatically assign the students to the specialization groups


Manually assign the students to their groups

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Groups >  Students.
  2. In the list, click on the arrow that precedes the name of the group to reveal its parts.
  3. Select one of the parts and click on Add a student.
  4. In the popup window, select the students [Ctrl + click] and validate.
  5. Repeat the operation by selecting the other part of the group. In the selection window, tick Display the students belonging to the part of the same partition to reduce the list.

Change groups for a student according to the week

Group with a variable population

Change the assignation to parts/groups for a student

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Students >  Class parts and adherent groups.
  2. Select the student in the list on the left.
  3. Click on the line Modify the assignation to the parts.
  4. In the popup window, the class part are displayed under the name of the group. Un-tick the part from which you want to remove the student and tick the one where the student should be added.
  5. Indicate the date that is to be taken into account for the changing of groups; this date remains modifiable from the student’s historical record but if you select Over the year, EDT will not keep an historical record.
  6. Validate.

Passing a student from one group to another

 Prerequisite  The class parts must necessarily exist beforehand.

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Groups >  Students.
  2. Select the concerned group in the list on the left.
  3. On the right, drag the student from one group to another.

 New  Add a student from another class to a group

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Groups >  Students.
  2. Select the concerned group in the list on the left.
  3. In the panel on the right, click on Add a student [name of selected group]
  4. In the popup window, click on the button Add students from other classes.
  5. In the popup window, when you select the class, EDT automatically creates the corresponding class part.

Understand why a student cannot be assigned to a group

If there is an actual or potential timetable incompatibility, EDT refuses to add the student to the group.

In some windows, a button Diagnosis for the unavailable students displays a window in which EDT indicates the problematic courses.

Here are also some methodological tips to understand what causes the blocking and make the necessary corrections:

Consult the group’s historical record for a student

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Students >  Information form.
  2. Select the student in the list on the left, and then go to the tab Identity and studies.
  3. In the rubric Studies, click on Historical record of changes.
  4. In the popup window, you visualize the previous group in which the student was previously assigned as well as the date when he/she left this group. You can manually modify the dates (Arrival/Departure date (group, class)).

Print the list of students per group and per teacher

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Teachers >  Students.
  2. Select the teachers in the list on the left ( [Ctrl + A] to select them all).
  3. Click on the button  in the tool bar.
  4. In the popup window, select Printer as the Type of output.
  5. In the page layout options, tick A teacher per page and Print the students.
  6. Verify the results via Preview, and then click on Print.

Note: this display allows you to print the surname, first name and class off every student; to print other data relevant to the students of the group, go to the display Timetable > Groups > Students (Student).

Name/Rename the groups

Define the rules for the naming of the groups

When you create a group, it is named according to the rules specified in the parameters.

  1. Go to the menu Parameters > options > Resources.
  2. Select in the drop-down menus the elements used to compose the names of the group. The Classes' reference (last drop-down menu) corresponds to what was entered in the column Reference in the list of classes.

Note: to modify the already created groups, apply the new naming rules to all the groups (see below).

Automatically rename the groups

By default, when you modify the naming rules, the existing groups are not modified. You can now apply the rules of naming retroactively.

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Groups >  List.
  2. Select the courses to be renamed, right-click and choose Give a name to the group.
  3. In the popup window, select Generate a name according to the specified parameters and validate.

Manually rename a group

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Groups >  List.
  2. Double-click in the column Name and enter the designation.

 Also see

Class parts