
Database and connection

Import the teachers in the database

Excel (import)

STSWEB (import)

Manually create a teacher in the base

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Teachers >  List.
  2. Click on the creation line, enter the surname and first name validating each time using the key [Enter].

Connect as a teacher

From the software’s homepage, in the identification window, select Teacher. The username (Username) and password (Password) are in the identity form of every teacher.

Define the teachers’ rights

Teacher's profile

Pre-incoming year

Automatically allocate the teachers to the services

Distribution of the services

Information and preferences

Designate the homeroom teacher

Designating the homeroom teachers allows you to:

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Classes >  List.
  2. If you have not recovered the homeroom teachers from STSWEB , double-click in the column Homeroom Teachers to designate them.

Complete the information form

Identity form

Enter the preferential room


Enter the preferential subject


Enter the affiliated activity hub

Activity hub

Indicate the days when the teacher does not eat at the cafeteria


 New  Find the total number of teachers hours per week or per year

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Classes >  Summary of services per class.
  2. A column Teachers hours shows you the total weekly or annual hours of all the teachers involved in the course.

Time constraints

The unavailability allows you to prohibit the placement of a course in some slots of the timetable. Only use in the case of real unavailability of a teacher (for example when he/she is in another institution): the less the unavailability, the better the timetables for all.

To take into account the teachers’ desires, use wishes and other time constraints such as guaranteed free half-days, which allow for pleasant timetables for teachers without being blocked.

Enter the wishes


Enter the time constraints

Time constraints (teachers, classes)

Enter the unavailability


Printing of documents concerning the teachers

Print/Send by e-mail the incoming year folder of every teacher

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Teachers >  Form.
  2. Select the concerned teachers in the list on the left.
  3. Click on the button  in the tool bar.
  4. In the popup window, select Teachers' folder.
  5. Select the type of output.
  6. Tick the documents to print or send:
    • Identity form, visible in the tab Identity,
    • Status of services, visible in the tab Teaching,
    • List of teachers,
    • List of students,
    • Timetable.
  7. Click on Print/Send the ticked documents.

Note: the preview only concerns the current document (the identity form). If you want to verify the rendering of another document, make a PDF output.

 Also see

Parent/Teacher meetings