It is now possible to add a student to a course even if his/her class is already occupied in the same time slot. This feature allows you to:
Note: the old method of managing students with special educational needs with a dedicated class, an affiliated class and student parts remains possible.
The course in which a detached student is added becomes a priority in respect to the timetable of the class. So you can easily create the courses for students with special educational needs in a second phase, after the timetable of the full class.
Validate: you have nothing else to do. In PRONOTE, the student will only see the courses he/she attends in his/her timetable; the other students in the class keep the same unaltered timetable. The student will be visible on the priority course roll call sheet and will not be counted as absent from the course in which he is detached. New There is an option to automatically reintegrate detached students into their original course when the course they were assigned to is cancelled. To do this, go to the menu Parameters > daily management > Placement. In the frame Weekly timetable, tick In case of cancellation of their courses, reinstate the detached students in their original courses.
Note: the student sees only the priority course on his/her timetable while the rest of the class remains in their course in a full class.
New You can trace a course directly from the student's timetable: practical for an activity outside the school (you don't need to create, as a teacher, the person supervising the activity).
Note: you can create a course for a multi-selection of detached students. In this case, tick Superimposition mode at the top of the grid before drawing the course.
To facilitate manipulation, for example, if several students with individual educational needs regularly have class together, you can create a group of detached students . This group can be assigned to classes even if the students' respective classes have a class at the same time; the constraint concerning the links between parts does not apply.
From the timetable of the classes, click on the button to display/mask the courses of the detached students.