Automatic distribution of the students (pre-incoming year)

You can distribute the students in the provisional classes according to a series of criteria. For this, you must have entered the provisional classes and specify the student’s provisional training program (ETM).

Verify the services of the provisional classes

  1. Go to the tab Pre-incoming year > Provisional classes >  Services.
  2. Verify the entered population for the class and per service. If the population is empty, EDT will distribute the students without pre-set restrictions.

Complete the information concerning the students

  1. Go to the tab Pre-incoming year > Distribution of the students >  Students and wishes for grouping/separation.
  2. Specify the provisional ETM of the students, you can choose:
    • manually with the command Modify > Provisional ETM, using the right-click;
    • recovering the students’ data for the provisional year from SIECLE ( SIECLE);
    • recovering the orientation wishes entered in PRONOTE: click on the button at the top of the column  Provisional ETM and choose  Recover the data related to the orientations in PRONOTE. In the popup window, you can choose the data to be recovered (provisional intentions at the beginning of the process, final family choices or final orientation at the end of the process), from the actual base (if you are working on a common database with EDT and PRONOTE) or from another database.
  3. Likewise, enter or recover from SIECLE the provisional options if you want to consider them for the composition of the classes. By clicking on the pencil of the column Provisional options, you can automatically allocate the current year’s options to the students.
  4. Optional: the data concerning the level, conduct and absenteeism. Every one of these criterion are associated with a level  A, B, and C, where the level A represents the top tier (the least absences, best results and best conduct). You can enter the data in the columns Lev., Cdt. and Abs. or recover the data from a PRONOTE base via the command Imports/Exports > PRONOTE > Recover the useful information for the distribution of students.

Indicate the students to be regrouped/separated

  1. Go to the tab Pre-incoming year > Distribution of the students >  Student groups to consolidate/distribute.
  2. Enter the name of the group in the creation line, then select it.
  3. Click on the line Add the students to the group.
  4. In the popup window, tick the students to be regrouped or separated and validate.

Note: to group or separate the students without creating a group, select them in Pre-incoming year > Distribution of the students > Students and wishes for grouping/separation via [Ctrl + click], right-click and choose the command Group/Separate.

Manually assign the students

If you know in advance that some students will be in this or another class, assign them manually and lock them.

  1. Go to the tab Pre-incoming year > Distribution of the students >   Assigning.
  2. Click-drag the student into the class.
  3. With a click, lock the student so that he/she will not be displaced.

Prohibit or restrict some students from a class

  1. Go to the tab Pre-incoming year > Distribution of the students > Assigning.
  2. Click on the gear wheel on the right of the class.
  3. In the popup window, you can:

Launch the automatic distribution of the students according to your priorities

  1. Go to the tab Pre-incoming year > Distribution of the students > Assigning.
  2. Click on the button Launch the automatic distribution.
  3. In the popup window, deactivate the services that are not to be taken into account with a double-click on the green bullet point that precedes them (the bullet point becomes gray) and vice versa.
  4. Indicate for every criterion if it is question of grouping or distributing the similar students.
  5. Use the gauges to augment the importance of the criteria that you consider a priority. Unless specified otherwise, the data taken into account is the data entered from the tab Pre-incoming year > Distribution of the students >  Students and wishes for grouping/separation:
    • Absenteeism: data recovered from PRONOTE or entered in the column Abs.,
    • Age: data recovered from SIECLE or entered in the column Date of Birth,
    • Previous class: data entered in the column Prev. cl.,
    • Conduct: data recovered from PRONOTE or entered in the column Cdt.,
    • Previous institution: data visible in the column Previous instit. (modifiable from the tab Timetable > Students >  Form),
    • Scholastic level: data recovered from PRONOTE or entered in the column Lev.,
    • Options: to regroup or distribute students with some options. Click on the button   to indicate what options. This way you can conduct two different combinations of option.
    • Program: data entered in the column Curr. choice,
    • Accompaniment project: data entered in the column Accomp. proj.,   New  The two lines allow you to group students according to certain projects, and to distribute students according to other projects.
    • Students repeating grades: if the student’s provisional training program is the same as the old, the student is by default repeating grades; you can modify this information in the column Plnd. stud. repeat. gr.,
    • Groupings/Separations: See above.
    • Gender: data recovered from SIECLE or entered in the column G.,
    • City: data recovered from SIECLE or entered in the column City.
  6. Click on the button Distribute and optimize.

Know why a student could not be assigned to a class

  1. Go to the tab Pre-incoming year > Distribution of the students > Assigning.
  2. If some students could not be assigned to a class at the end of the automatic distribution, EDT displays them in red in the list. To know the reason for this failure, hover the mouse over i+ in the column Provisional class: a tooltip will give you insight to source of the problem (no ENT is specified for the student, an incompatibility with the configuration of the classes, etc.).

Adjust and validate the distribution

Caution: validating the distribution overwrites the distribution of the students of the actual year. If the current academic year is not finished, launch it on a copy of the database.

  1. Go to the tab Pre-incoming year > Distribution of the students > Assigning.
  2. Once the distribution has been conducted, you will see the distribution of the students according to the main distribution criteria. By clicking on an element (e.g., the number of accompaniment projects or the red block in conduct), the concerned students are automatically selected in the list.
  3. Proceed with adjustments if necessary: click-drag a student from one class to another.
  4. When the distribution suits you, click on the button Validate the distribution: this distribution replaces the current allocations in the base. You will find your new classes in the tab Timetable.