
The rooms are entered or imported from an Excel file. If you have interchangeable rooms (workshops, language labs, common rooms, etc.) and want to make the best use of limited rooms, create room groups and allow EDT to choose the room for every course (Room group).


Import the rooms in the database

Excel (import)


Create a room "on the fly"

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Rooms >  List.
  2. Click on the creation line, enter its name and validate with the key [Enter].


Allocate a preferential room or preferential room group

The preferential room is taken into account during the automatic allocation of rooms of a group when possible.

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Subject/Teachers/Classes >  List.
  2. Double-click in the column Pref.Rm. (Preferential Room). If you do not see this column, click on the button  on the top right of the list to display it (List).

Note: You also can allocate this room with a click to all the courses of the teacher/class from the list of courses via the contextual menu using the right-click Modify > Allocate the teachers' preferential room/the classes' preferential room to the selected courses.

Specify the room’s capacity

Room capacity

Manage the keys for the rooms

Room keys

Specify on what site the room is located (if you have several sites)


Enter the telephone number associated with a room

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Rooms >  List.
  2. Enter the telephone number in the column Telephone. If you do not see this column, click on the button  on the top right of the list to display it (List).

Nominate a room manager

The manager of a room is automatically one of the persons authorized to reserve the room and is proposed to you as a recipient when sending an e-mail concerning the room  (for example, when you send an e-mail from a course to which the room has been assigned).

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Rooms >  List.
  2. Double-click on the column Managers. If you do not see this column, tick on the button   on the top right of the list to display it (List).
  3. In the popup window, tick the room manager(s).

Note: if the same person is managing several rooms, select the concerned rooms and then right-click and launch the command Modify > Managers.


Enter the unavailability

Entering the unavailability (Unavailability) for the rooms allow the management of the gymnasiums, pool and other special infrastructures where the availability is imposed on the institution. For example, if the institution has two slots for the pool, do not place the courses manually; instead create a room Pool, paint in red the unavailability grid with the exception of the two available slots and allocate it to the concerned courses. This will leave a larger latitude for EDT during the automatic placement: the timetables will be enhanced.

Display the available rooms for a course

Course form

Display the rooms’ schedule for the day

  1. Go to the tab Daily management and absences > Rooms >  Multi-resource schedule.
  2. Select all the rooms [Ctrl + A] in the list on the left.
  3. Select the current week in the slider.
  4. Select a display Tab per day on the top right.
  5. Select the tab corresponding to the current day to display the schedule of the rooms.

Search for a slot with at least one free room to create a course/meeting

  1. Go to the tab Daily management and absences > Course >  Free slots.
  2. Select the wanted week in the slider.
  3. Select the duration of the course to be created in the drop-down menu, add the resources to the course form and click on the button Search for free slots: EDT displays the available slots in white. The figures correspond to the number of available rooms for each slot.
  4. You can select a resource from the drop-down menu Display the courses of at the top of the grid to choose a time slot relevant to their timetable.
  5. Select a slot to display the rooms on the right, then select one.
  6. Click on Create the course.

Room reservation (Network version)

In order for a teacher or a user to reserve a room, he/she must be authorized to do so and the room in question must be open to reservation.

Authorize the teachers to reserve a room

The authorized teachers can reserve a room from a Client EDT, Client PRONOTE, or from Teachers Webspace.

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Teachers >  Authorization profiles.
  2. Select the concerned profile.
  3. In the category Room and equipment reservation, tick Reserve the rooms and equipment for his/her courses and/or Reserve rooms and equipment for the new courses.

Authorize the administrative users to reserve a room

 Prerequisite  You must login as the SPR

  1. Go to the menu File> User administration.
  2. In the popup window, click on .
  3. Select the concerned group in the list on the left.
  4. In the tab EDT, rubric Rooms, tick Access to the rooms and Reserve.

Open the rooms for the reservations

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Rooms >  List.
  2. If you do not see the column Reservable by, tick on the button  on the top right of the list to display it (List).
  3. Select the room that are to be open for reservations, right-click and choose Modify > Modify the teachers and staff who can reserve the selection.
  4. In the popup window, tick on those authorized to reserve the selected room. You can open the reservation to a user group or just some users.

Reserve a given room

 Prerequisite  The room must be open for reservations and you must be authorized to reserve.

  1. Go to the tab Daily management and absences > Rooms >  Timetable of the week  or Multi-week schedule.
  2. Select the room in the list on the left.
  3. Select the concerned week in the slider on the top right.
  4. Click-drag on the wanted slot and double-click on the inside of the frame to confirm the reservation.
  5. Add the resources from the course form.

Look for a room and reserve it

 Prerequisite  You must be authorized to reserve rooms.

  1. Go to the tab Daily management and absences > Rooms >  Search for free rooms.
  2. Select the concerned week in the top slider.
  3. Indicate the length of time for the reservation.
  4. If necessary, specify the capacity and/or the family.
  5. Click on the button Search for free rooms: EDT displays the number of available rooms per slot.
  6. Click on a slot to display the list of rooms and select the wanted room.
  7. Click on the button Create the course.

Dedicated features

Automatically allocate the rooms to a course

Room group

View the occupancy of the rooms

Potential occupancy rate

Consult the occupancy statistics

  1. Go to the tab Daily management and absences > Rooms >  Occupancy of the rooms.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select the type of distribution that interests you (per teacher, subject, month or week).