STSWEB (import)

Export the *.xml file from STSWEB

  1. In STSWEB, select the year, click on Exports, then on Timetable and save the sts_emp_RNE-de-votre-etablisssement.xml file in a folder that you can easily find.
  2. If you manage several institutions (school complex), renew the operation to export a file per institution.

Initialize the EDT base with data from STSWEB

New base

Import the STSWEB data into EDT

 Prerequisite  You have exported the *.xml file from STSWEB.

  1. In EDT, go to the menu Imports/Exports > STSWEB > Recover the data.
  2. In the popup window, tick the data to be imported: Generally, you import the ENT (MEF), the teachers and classes, eventually with the services if you want to transform them into courses (Transform into several courses). Only retain the teachers present in the services if he/she teaches the same subject to the same class every year. You can force the update of the total provision of the teachers if the number of hours changes.
  3. In the popup window, tick the data to be imported::
    • generally, you import the ENT (MEF), the teachers and classes;
    • only import the services if they are up to date and if you want to transform them into courses (Transform into several courses). Only retain the teachers present in the services if he/she teaches the same subject to the same class every year. You can force the update of the total provision of the teachers if the number of hours changes.
  4. Select the *.xml file generated from STSWEB, then click on the button Open.
  5. If you manage several institutions in the same base, launch the command Imports/Exports > STSWEB > Import the data of another institution.