Parent/Teacher meetings

In the work group Parents/Teachers meetings, you can plan a day for parents/teachers meetings.

Stage 1: you create a session of meetings and EDT lists the potential meeting according to family situations (parents wanting to meet separately).

Stage 2: Parents and teachers give their desiderata (priority meeting, wanted, optional) and EDT generates the meetings to be scheduled.

Stage 3: If necessary, you place some meetings manually and EDT calculates the meeting schedule while complying with the unavailability of all the participants.

Stage 1: Generation of the list of potential meetings

EDT automatically generates a list of potential meetings when you add classes to a meeting session. By default, EDT takes into account the courses of the tab Timetable and considers that every teacher can meet the parents of all the students, together or independently if the parents want separate meetings.

Indicate that the parents want separate meetings


Extract the students whose parents want separate meetings

Quickly find the students whose parents wanted to meet the teachers separately, so as to update this information from the student form if need.

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Students >  Information form.
  2. In the menu Extract, choose Specify an extraction.
  3. In the popup window, tick Students whose guardians are summoned separately and then click on Extract.

Define a meeting session

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Meeting sessions >  List.
  2. Click on the creation line.
  3. In the popup window, give a name to the meeting.
  4. If the year is divided into periods, eventually select a period so you will only take into account the courses taking place within this period.
  5. Specify a date, a time slot and a default duration for the meetings.
  6. Choose the options in the tab Generation of the meetings:
    • tick Session reserved for homeroom teachers to easily organize orientation appointments;
    • tick Long replacement so that the substitute teachers will be taken into account;
    • tick The adjustments and the exceptional courses to also take into account the courses of the tab Daily management and absences;
    • tick Courses with a variable population so that the personalized accompaniment courses are taken into account;
    • tick The staff members of the pedagogical team to generate meetings with the administrative staff previously added to the pedagogical team (Pedagogical team);
    • select Generate one meeting per subject if you prefer that a teacher who teaches several subjects meets several times with the parents, or eventually lengthen the time allotted for the meetings;
    • tick Take into account the affiliated students if meetings must be generated for the teachers and parents of ULIS students affiliated with the class.
  7. In the tab Desiderata:
    • If necessary, modify the original desiderata. By default, the potential meetings are optional for the teachers/staff and refused by the guardians: if you retain this configuration, no meeting will be created as long as the parents have not expressed their willingness;
    • eventually limit the number of desiderata formulated by parents and/or teachers according to their priority.
  8. If you are working on a base common to EDT and PRONOTE, as of now define in the tab Publication the publication dates of the desiderata and the schedules on the Parent and Teacher Webspaces. New  You can schedule different publication dates for teachers and parents: meetings that are not wanted by the teacher will not be proposed to parents.
  9. Click on the button Create.
  10. In the list on the lower panel, click on the add line to indicate the classes concerned by the session: as soon as a class is added, the corresponding potential meetings appear in Parents/Teachers meetings > Guardians/Teachers >  Desiderata.

Update the meetings

When the timetable changes entail the creation of new meetings or meetings to be deleted, as soon as you modify the configuration of the session (course taken into account, etc.), you must update the potential meetings.

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Meetings >  List.
  2. In the menu Edit, choose Update the session's meetings.

Manually add the meetings

If you want to propose a meeting that does not correspond to a course, you must create it manually.

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Guardians/Teachers >  Desiderata.
  2. Select on the left the parents or teacher.
  3. Below click on the button Create a new meeting.
  4. In the popup window, double-click on the other participant: by default, the meeting will be considered as wanted by the two participants.

Modify a meeting manually

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Meetings >  List.
  2. Select a meeting to display its form. As for a course, you can add, remove or replace resources from the form.

Modify the configuration of the session

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Meeting sessions >  List.
  2. Double-click on the session in the list: the configuration window opens. Conduct your modifications.
  3. Select the modified session, right-click and choose Update the session's meetings.

Caution: some modifications (especially the options influencing the duration of the meeting) will only be valid for future meetings; to modify the already generated meetings, proceed from the list of meetings.

Stage 2: Creation of the meetings to be scheduled

The meetings to be scheduled are automatically created by EDT according to the desiderata entered by the participants: EDT creates the meetings if one of the two participants want a meeting (unless the other participant clearly indicates he/she does not want to meet).

Register the desiderata and unavailability of the participants

Desiderata (parents/teachers meetings)

Consult the list of meetings to be scheduled

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Meetings >  List.
  2. The meetings are displayed in blue as long as they have not been placed. Filter the list by selecting a class in the drop-down menu and sort the meetings according to the criteria of your choice by clicking on the title of the column.

Note: meetings seem to be missing? First reflex: launch the command Update the session's meetings from the menu Edit.

Delete the meetings

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Meetings >  List.
  2. Select the meetings to be deleted, right-click and choose the command Delete.

Stage 3: Calculation for the meetings schedule

Plan a pause

You can enter pauses that can apply to all the participants (for example in the middle of the session to maintain a margin in case of tardiness) and keep a lapse of time between two meetings (for example, the time for the parents to change rooms).

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Meeting sessions >  List.
  2. Select a meeting session: a grid is displayed on the right.
  3. Click-drag on the concerned slot to define a pause: it is displayed in blue.
  4. To define lapse of time between meetings, select in the bottom drop-down menus (parents and/or teachers) the necessary time.

Manually place some meetings

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Meetings >  Meetings' grid.
  2. Select the meeting in the list on the left.
  3. Click-drag the green frame onto the wanted slot and double-click to place the meeting.
  4. Select the meeting, right-click and choose  Lock so that EDT will not displace it during an automatic placement. (In My preferences > placement > Meetings placement, you can choose to automatically lock the meetings placed by hand.)

Generate the meetings’ schedule

During the calculation, EDT complies with the pauses, inter-meetings and unavailability of the participants. The meetings placed according to their priority:














  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Meetings > List.
  2. Launch the command Edit > Update the session's meetings to make sure that you are working with all the updated meetings.
  3. Conduct an extraction of the meetings to be placed.
  4. In the menu Calculation, choose Launch auto-placement.
  5. If some meetings remain in failure, verify the occupancy rate of the teachers (column POR - Potential Occupancy Rate) in the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Teachers >  Form: if the POR is superior to 100 %, the number of planned meetings is too large for the defined slot.

Note: if you want to cancel the placement, select the courses, right-click and choose De-position.

Allocate the rooms to the teachers

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Teachers >  Form.
  2. Double-click in the column Room.
  3. In the popup window, EDT indicates for every room the number of teachers already occupying it for the meetings. Select a room and validate.

Stage 4: Send the schedule

Configure the display for the schedule of the meetings

 Prerequisite  A resource is selected.

  1. In the displays  Meetings’ grid and  Schedule from the tab Parents/Teachers meetings, click on the button  on the top right of the grid.
  2. In the popup window, select the resource (Teachers/ Guardians/Staff/Students) in the drop-down menu and un-tick the information that you do not want to display. By default, the meetings are colored in accordance with the desires expressed by the parent or teacher; you can delete this information by un-ticking Display the desiderata.

Send the convocations/schedules

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Guardians/Teachers >  Meetings’ grid.
  2. Select the teachers/guardians [Ctrl + A] to select them all).
  3. Click on the button  in the tool bar.
  4. In the popup window, choose a printing by list or by schedule and select the output mode: paper, e-mail, PDF or iCal.

Publish the meetings’ schedule on the Teachers Webspace (with PRONOTE)

  1. In PRONOTE, go to the tab Communication > > .
  2. Select Teachers Webspace in the drop-down menu on the top left.
  3. In the category Meetings, tick Consult your scheduled meetings.

Publish the meetings’ schedule on the Parents Webspace (with PRONOTE)

  1. In PRONOTE, go to the tab Communication > > .
  2. Select Parents  Webspace in the drop-down menu on the top left.
  3. In the tree structure, tick Parents/Teachers Meetings and Schedule.
  4. Select By grid or By list according to what you have ticked: a table is displayed on the right; enter the publication date in the column Schedules.

Print the list of all first meetings with the parents

The list of first meetings with the parents allows you to verify the arrival into the institution during parent-teacher meetings

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Guardians >  Information form.
  2. Click on the button .
  3. In the popup window, tab Page layout, frame Layout, tick the option Arranged by time of first meeting.

Print the schedule per room

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Meetings >  Schedule.
  2. Click on the button  in the tool bar.
  3. In the popup window, tab Page layout, in the frame Layout, tick Group by room and One room per page.
  4. Verify the preview before launching the printing.

Print a list of all the meetings with parents

The list of parent meetings is used to control entry into the school during parent-teacher meetings.

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Guardians >  Information form.
  2. Click on the button .
  3. In the popup window, tab Page layout, tick the option Arranged by time of first meeting.

Stage 5: Follow-up of the meetings

Indicate the meetings that have taken place (for the statistics)

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Meetings >  List.
  2. Select the meetings that have taken place, right-click and choose Modify > Took place. If you do not see the column Took pl., click on the button  on the top right of the list to display it (List).

Note: Teachers can fill in this column directly if they are logged in to the Teachers' Webspace.

Consult the statistics

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Statistics >  Statistics linked to meetings.
  2. Click on the button  on the top right of the list.
  3. In the popup window, select the Number of rubrics to be cumulated in the drop-down menu.
  4. The rubrics for which the accumulation is possible are displayed with the icon . Transfer the rubrics for which you want to have an accumulation in the displayed columns and use the arrows to place them on the top of the list. Validate.
  5. In the list, click on the accumulation level, for example , on the top right of the list.