Class parts

When the students of a class do not all work together, they are separated into "class parts". With one teacher, you can have a class part or several class parts from different classes.

Any breakdown of a class into parts is called a "partition". For example you can have the partition FL2 (3 class parts), the partition Splitting (2 class parts), the partition Sports (4 class parts), etc.

When you specify a complex course, EDT automatically creates the partitions and the class parts. If only a single part of the class is occupied (outside of alignment), you manually create a partition and class parts.

The distribution of the students into the class parts can be conducted after the elaboration of the timetable.

Display of the class parts

See the class parts in the list of classes

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Classes >  List.
  2. Click a first time on the button  on the top right of the list: EDT displays the partitions of every class.
  3. Click a second time on the button   the parts under each partition will appear.

Note: you can only unfold a single class by clicking on the arrow that precedes it.

View the courses of all the parts

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Classes >  Timetable.
  2. Click on the button  on the top right of the list: EDT displays the partitions of every class.
  3. Select a partition from the list. By default, all courses taken by the students in this partition are displayed. To hide the courses in a full class and only see the courses of the partition, click the button  at the top right of the timetable.

Modify the display of the name of the class parts

  1. Go to the menu My preferences > display > Resources.
  2. Tick the wanted display, with or without the name of the partition.

Automatic management of the class parts

View the class parts created by EDT during the specifications

In the complex course specification window, once the distribution mode chosen, the created parts are visible in the column Part on the top of the window as well as in the course form of every class meeting.

Modify the syntax used to name the automatically created parts

  1. Go to the menu Parameters > options > Resources.
  2. Select in the drop-down menus the elements from which the parts are named.

Modify the name of a class part after its creation

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Classes >  Class parts.
  2. Select the class in the list on the left.
  3. Select the partition in the list on the right: the part is displayed.
  4. Double-click on the part, enter the name you have chosen and validate with the key [Enter].

Manual management of the class parts

Create two class parts


Create a class part per student

ULIS (Localized Units for Inclusive Education)

Create a class part for an option

You manually create a class part if the students do not work in parallel with the other students of the class.

If the students are already in the database, however, it is easier to create the group from the list of students: EDT then automatically creates the necessary class part (Group of students).

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Classes > Class parts.
  2. Select the class in the list on the left.
  3. Click on the creation line in the list on the right, enter the partition’s name and validate with the key [Enter].
  4. Select the created partition: the (empty) list of parts is displayed on the right. Click on the creation line, enter the part’s name and validate with the key [Enter].

Manually add a class part in a course

  1. From the course form, click + Parts.
  2. In the popup window, unfold the class and the partition then double-click on the part to be added.

Note: if you add a group, the parts that compose it are automatically added.

Management of the links between the class parts

As long as the distribution of the class parts has not taken place, EDT ensures that two class parts that may have students in common do not have a course at the same time. This ban is symbolized by a link between the class parts. It can be removed manually if you know that the two class parts will never have students in common (Link between the parts).