
The features linked to splitting allow you to easily manage two groups, each part corresponding to half of the class or half of an existing group. If the groups work in parallel, it is not necessary to create a splitting: it is automatically created by EDT when you indicate that each teachers sees a half-class (Complex courses).

Manage the splitting of a class

Create and fill the groups from the splitting

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Classes >  Students.
  2. Select the class, right-click and choose Manage the splitting > Create and fill the groups from the splitting.
  3. In the popup window, tick Assign or automatically update the students if you want EDT to assign to each group half of the students.
  4. EDT creates two class parts and the two corresponding groups.

Permute the students in half-classes during the year

  1. Select the class, right-click and choose Manage the splitting > Switch the students in the groups.
  2. In the popup window, indicate the date when the permutation should come into effect.

Manage the splitting of a group

This feature is normally used for the splitting of specialization groups within the framework of the high school reform.

Create and fill the split groups

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Groups >  List.
  2. Select the group, right-click and choose Manage the splitting > Create and fill the groups from the splitting.
  3. In the popup window, tick Assign or update the students automatically if you want EDT to assign half of the students to every new group.
  4. EDT retains the initial group and creates two additional groups 1/2 and 2/2 as well as the necessary class parts.