Constraints effecting the timetable
In EDT, you can specify the constraints that must be observed during the construction of the timetable. These constraints are strictly complied with during the automatic placement. During manual placement, they are indicated but you can choose to ignore
Find the courses that do not comply with the constraints
- Go to the tab Timetable > Course >
- Go to the menu Extract and choose Extract the courses which do not comply with constraints.
Find the resources for which the constraints are infringed upon
- Go to the tab Timetable > Teachers/Classes >
Unavailability, wishes and constraints.
- Go to the menu Extract and choose Extract the teachers/classes where some constraints are infringed upon.
- The non compliant constraints are displayed in red in the panel on the right.
Loosen the constraints during the resolution of failures
Time constraints (Teachers, classes)
Indicate the time slots in which a resource should not have a course
Enter the time maximums or the time frames to be retained
Time constraints (teachers, classes)
Constraints linked to rooms/equipment
Indicate the time slots in which a room must not be used
Take into account a limited number of specialized rooms (labs, etc.)
Room group
Take into account the transit time between distant sites
Pedagogical constraints (linked to the subjects)
Indicate the time slots in which a subject must not be taught
Indicate the time maximums or constraints among two subjects
Subject constraints
Organizational constraints specific to the institution
Manage time for the half-board
Ensure that the courses do not overlap the recesses