Subject Constraints
To specify the constraints specific to the subjects (limit the number of hours per day, prohibit succession, impose an order, etc.), you enter subject incompatibilities. A subject incompatibility always applies to a couple of subjects (subject A and
subject B). In the case where the constraint applies to the same subject (for example, limit the number of hours per day), choose the same subject as subject A and as subject B.
Authorize two courses of the same subject in the same day
A subject is by default incompatible with itself in the same day: this means that there cannot be two courses of the same subject in the same day (on the other hand, there can be a course of 2h or more). You can remove this constraint if it is not appropriate.
- Go to the tab Timetable > Subjects >
Subject constraints.
- Select the subject in the list of subjects A.
- Select the same subject in the list of subjects B.
- Click on the pencil of the column Incompatibilities > 1d: in the popup window, select Remove from all the classes and validate.
Space out two courses of the same subject to several half-days
For example, if you want to leave a minimum of two half-days between two courses of Phy. Ed.
- Go to the tab Timetable > Subjects >
Subject constraints.
- Select the subject in the list of subjects A.
- Select the same subject in the list of subjects B.
- Click on the pencil of the column Incompatibilities > No. 1/2d: in the popup window, select the number of half-days and validate.
Avoid the succession of two subjects in a precise order
For example, you never want a course of Mathematics just after Phys. Ed.
- Go to the tab Timetable > Subjects >
Subject constraints.
- Select the first subject (for example, Phys. Ed.) in the list of subjects A.
- Select the second subject (for example, Math) in the list of subjects B.
- Click on the pencil of the column Proh. Succ. (Succession of subjects prohibited) > A-B: in the popup window, select Allocate to all the classes.
Specify a weekly order for two subjects
For example, you want the lecture course to precede the lab course in the week.
- Go to the tab Timetable > Subjects >
Subject constraints
- Select the first subject (for example, Physics) in the list of subjects A.
- Select the second subject (for example, Physics lab.) in the list of subjects B.
- Click on the pencil of the column Weekly order > A-B: in the popup window, select Allocate to all the classes.
Specify a weekly order for a course with a full group/class
For, example, if you want the group Physics course to always take place after the full-class Physic courses in the week.
- Go to the tab Timetable > Subjects >
Subject constraints
- Select the first subject (for example, Physics) in the list of subjects A.
- Select the second subject (for example, Physics lab.) in the list of subjects B.
- Click on the pencil of the column Courses in a group: in the popup window, select Allocate to all the classes and choose the wanted order: (for example, After the courses in a class
- Before: group courses are held before the courses in a full class;
- After: group courses are held after before the courses in a full class;
- Bef/Aft: group courses are held either before or after the courses in a full class; the courses in whole classes cannot be inserted between the group courses;
- 2 week: group courses can be found on either side of the courses in a full class in a timetable of a week, but all the group courses take place before or after courses in a full class if you consider the chained weeks.
Distribute the courses of a subject where there are more course than days
If you want to authorize several courses per day of the same subject, remove the incompatibility of the subject with itself in the same day and for a harmonious distribution of the courses in the week, use the column Time max. (Time Maximum).
- Go to the tab Timetable > Subjects >
Subject constraints.
- Select the subject in the list of subjects A.
- Select the same subject in the list of subjects B.
- Click on the pencil of the column Time max. > 1/2d or 1d: in the popup window, enter the maximum number of hours.
Also see
Pedagogical weight