
The solver allows you to search for solutions for a course in failure.

Use the automatic solver

This is the tool to which you should turn to if you have courses in failure after an automatic placement: the automatic solver solves most of the failures by trying other combinations that the calculator does not take the time to explore.

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Course >  List.
  2. Conduct an extraction of the courses in failure (Extract the data).
  3. In the menu Calculation > Solver, choose Launch the automatic solver. Start with the Standard method, in Comply with all the constraints.
  4. If this is not sufficient, continue with the advanced method, by progressively augmenting the search level: the higher the level, the longer and more thorough the search.
  5. Only loosen your constraints as a last resort and once again, proceed progressively by starting with the constraints that seem the least important among those that the diagnosis mode help you identify as problematic (Diagnosis of a course).

Use the step by step solver

The step by step solver only concerns the simple courses or those not distributed. It proposes solutions that comply with all the unavailability of the courses and resources but does not necessarily comply with constraints linked to the subjects, time maximums or recesses. This is why it is recommended to use it when the other tools have not given desired results (Diagnosis of a course).

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Course >  List.
  2. Select a course in failure and launch Calculation > Solver > Launch the step-by-step solver … > … while replacing 1 courses at most.
  3. If the course is not placed in this attempt, start again by selecting 2, then 3 courses.
  4. Once the course is placed, start again with every course in failure, making sure to observe the search levels.

 Also see

Automatic placement