ULIS (Localized Units for Inclusive Education)
The management of students enrolled under ULIS involves the inclusion of the students in some courses of their affiliate class. For this, it is suggested in EDT to manage a class "ULIS" with a class part per student – to freely organize the
time for each student – and an affiliate class per student – to facilitate the sending of information concerning this class to the student and parents.
This method of student management, created to meet the specific needs of ULIS classes, can also be used in all cases where it is necessary to arrange a student’s timetable in relation to the rest of the class. You can create a personalized timetable
for the students of FLE, SEGPA, UPE2A... or for the 11th grade students repeating the grade but are exempt from some subjects that have been validated.
Create the ULIS class with a class part per student
- Go to the tab Timetable > Classes >
- Create a class named "ULIS" in the list of classes.
- Select the ULIS class in the list on the left.
- On the right, click on Add a student to ULIS and select the ULIS students in the popup window.
- Right-click on the ULIS class and choose Create the partition Students: EDT creates a part per student. If you add a student to the ULIS class after this stage, a part with his/her name will automatically be created.
Define the affiliate class of a ULIS student
Defining the class to which a ULIS student is affiliated is essential to maintain the assignment of students to the ULIS class in EDT during updates from SIECLE: if and only
if the affiliate class is entered, EDT maintains dual membership in the ULIS class and the affiliate class, even if the ULIS class does not exist in SIECLE.
- Go to the tab Timetable > Students >
- Double-click in the column Affiliate class. If you do not see this column, click on the button
on the top right of the list to display it (List).
- In the popup window, double-click on the class of the ULIS student.
- In the popup window, if necessary, specify the date of the student’s affiliation.
Enter the courses dedicated to the ULIS students
When creating courses for the ULIS class, ask yourself whether the course concerns the entire class or whether it concerns only a part of the ULIS class while some students will be included in their affiliate class:
- if the course is for the entire class without exception, you can trace the course in the Timetable > Classes >
- if the course concerns only part of the class, trace the course from the timetable of ULIS teachers, tab Timetable > Teachers >
Timetable and add the
students who attend the course via the parts, just as would for courses taken in the affiliate class (see below).
Include the ULIS students in the courses of their affiliate class
- Go to the tab Timetable > Classes >
- Select the class in which the ULIS student will be affiliated.
- Select in the grid all the courses [Ctrl + click] in which the ULIS student will participate.
- From the course form, click on + Parts, deploy the class ULIS, deploy the partition Students, and then add the parts corresponding to the student.
Note: If it is a question of personalized accompaniment courses, the entire ULIS class that must be added to the course before the creation of the personalized accompaniment groups (Group with a variable population).
Understand why a ULIS student cannot be added to a class
If EDT refuses to add the ULIS student to a simple course or to a class meeting of a complex course (excluding personalized accompaniment), there is a timetable incompatibility.
Here is how to find it:
- Verify that the student does not already have a course in one of the slots occupied by the group. Putting two side-by-side timetables allows for quick visualization of incompatibilities, if any (Annual timetable).
- If you do not find any incompatibility in the annual timetable, verify using the tab Daily management and absences > Students >
Timetable of the week that the incompatibility does not come from an occasional course or different timetables over the first few weeks of the year. In which case, you can add the student to the group by entering
in Parameters > daily management > Placement a date for taking into account modifications after the blocking courses.