Class committee

The tab Class committee assembles all the features that allow you to elaborate a schedule for the class committees.

Stage 1: Creation of the committees

Specify the session

During the creation of the first session, you specify all the characteristics of the session and committees. For the following sessions, you can go speed up the process by duplicating the first session.

  1. Go to the tab Class committees > Committees >  List.
  2. Click on the creation line.
  3. In the popup window, specify the characteristics of the session:
    • the name;
    • the dates: to indicate that there is a day between these two dates that is not concerned, you must enter the unavailability for the committees (see below);
    • the time frame: to placer the committees between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm, then between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm, you must create a session of 6 hours that begins at 1:00 pm, then for all the committees enter the unavailability from 2:00 pm till 5:00 pm;
    • the necessary time step: for 1 hour 15 minute committees, you must breakdown the session into 4;
    • the period.
  4. Then indicate the default characteristics of the committees that will be created:
    • the duration;
    • if the teachers are indispensable or not: it is possible to manage this at a later time, committee by committee, teacher by teacher. New  You can make teachers' attendance mandatory or not depending on the number of students they teach by selecting the option According to students seen.
    • By ticking Taking into account the substitutesyou include teachers conducting long replacements;
    • eventually the number of simultaneous class committees not to be exceeded and the maximum number of committee days for a teacher.
  5. Verify in the grid that the time slot corresponds to what you want and eventually modify the time designations that will be displayed on the screen and printed schedules.

Create the committees

  1. Go to the tab Class committees > Committees >  List.
  2. Select the session, then click on the line Add a committee in the lower pane.
  3. In the popup window, tick the concerned classes [Ctrl + click].
  4. Validate: if you have broken down the year into periods, specify in the popup window in what period the teachers must teach. EDT creates a committee per class and assigns a minimum of teachers and members of the pedagogical team (Pedagogical team).

Note: by default, a committee per class is created. If you want to create a committee for several classes, tick the option In the same committee in the first window and tick the classes to be united. In this case, you repeat the operation Add a committee as many times as necessary.

Enter the unavailability of the committees

If some committees must not take place on certain days or times, enter the unavailability.

  1. Go to the tab Class committees > Committees >  List.
  2. On the left, select the committees [Ctrl + click] that share the same unavailability.
  3. On the right, enter the unavailability (Unavailability).

Duplicate an existing session with all its committees

If you have already created and planed a session of class committees (for the first semester for example), you will save time by duplicating this session.

  1. Go to the tab Class committees > Committees >  List.
  2. Select a session.
  3. Right-click and choose Duplicate.
  4. In the duplication window, modify the name and date, then specify if you want to de-position or keep the committees and exchange them:
    • Permutation during the day: the day’s first committee of the initial session transfers to the last position in the new session and the other committees move up,
    • Permutation in the session: the first committee of the initial session transfers to the last position and the other committees are placed following an opposite order.

Note: according to the unavailability of the participants or committees, some committees can be de-positioned after the permutation.

Stage 2: Management of the participants

By default, all the teachers and staff members of the pedagogical team are assigned (Pedagogical team). If the representatives (students and parents) have been designated elsewhere (Representatives), they are equally assigned automatically. Only the participants with the icon  are unavailable.

Manually add/delete the participants

  1. Go to the tab Class committees > Committees >  List.
  2. In the form of the selected committee, click on the button  to add a participant. For deletion, use the key [Del.].

Render a teacher’s attendance to non indispensable

The character indispensable/non indispensable will be taken into account during the committee placement. The homeroom teacher is always indispensable.

  1. Go to the tab Class committees > Committees >  List.
  2. In the form of the selected committee, double-click the icon  in front of the participant’s name to render "not indispensable".

Enter the unavailability of the participants

The calculator will not place a committee in unavailable slots.

  1. Go to the tab Class committees > Teachers/Staff/Students/Guardians >  Unavailability.
  2. On the left select the participants [Ctrl + click] that share the same unavailability.
  3. On the right, enter the unavailability (Unavailability).

Update the participants of the committee

If the modifications have taken place since the elaboration of the class committee (change concerning the attendance of the teachers, students or guardians), a command allows you to update the list of participants.

  1. Go to the tab Class committees > Committees >  List.
  2. Select the committee, right-click and choose Update the participants.
  3. In the popup window, tick the modifications to be taken into account, then validate.

 New  See the number of tutored students per teacher for the committees


Stage 3: Management of the problematic courses

If courses overlap the session, by default EDT considers they have priority: the calculator will not place a committee at the same time as a course that occupies one of the participants (except in the case of co-teaching, it is considered that by default one of the two teachers can be absent). You can lift this constraint by indicating that the course does not have priority, or even cancel the course to liberate the slots.

Indicate that a course does not have priority status

  1. Go to the tab Class committees > Committees >  List.
  2. Select a session. The problematic courses are displayed on the right.
  3. In the column Priority, click on the icon of a course until it displays the wanted status:
    • Priority course : EDT will not place a committee having resources in common with the course;
    • Non priority course : EDT as a last resort, can place a committee on a time slot occupied by a course;
    • Canceled course : EDT can place a committee on this time slot. The canceled course will be marked Class committee.

Note: by default, the canceled courses that partially overlap the session are canceled entirely. So that the courses taking place in the time slot where there is no class committee, click on the button Maintain the partially canceled courses after the elaboration of the schedule. For example, if a course takes place from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm and the session starts at 5:00 pm, you then can maintain the course from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Stage 4: Elaboration of a class committee schedule

Manually place some committees

If some committees must take place in a specified place, you must placer them manually and lock them before launching an automatic placement.

  1. Go to the tab Class committees > Committees >  Schedule.
  2. Select the session and committee that you want to place (the unplaced committees are displayed with the icon ): EDT displays in white the slots where all the participants are available.
  3. Click-drag the green frame onto the wanted slot and double-click to place the committee.
  4. So that the committee will not be moved during the future automatic placement, select the committee, right-click and choose  Lock.

Launch an automatic placement of the committees

  1. Go to the tab Class committees > Committees >  List.
  2. Conduct an extraction of the committees to be placed.
  3. In the menu Placement, choose Launch auto-placement.
  4. If some committees remain in failure , verify that the number of committees is not too big for the specified slot.

Note: if you want to cancel the placement, select the committees, right-click and choose De-position.

Diagnose a course

If you manually place some committees or are looking to resolve failures after an automatic placement, the diagnosis features allows you to know what constraints effect each place.


Place recommended by EDT.

Place where the committee can take place.

Unavailable place.

The numerals indicate the number of unavailable teachers in this slot:

  • in red, those whose attendance is indispensable,
  • in orange, those whose attendance is not indispensable.

Note: the committee form indicates by using the same color code as the implicated teachers.


In the committee form, the following icons indicate the unavailability motives in this slot. A teacher may be:

View the number of committees or committee hours of a teacher

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Teachers >  List.
  2. The number of committees is displayed in the column CC. If you do not see this column, click on the button  on the top right of the list to display it (List).
  3. Click on top of the column on the button .
  4. In the popup window, select the period to be taken into account.
  5. Choose to display the number of committees or the number of committee hours.

Stage 5: Edit the documents relating to the committees

Send the convocations

Convocation to the class committee

Print an attendance sheet for the committees

Attendance sheets are intended to be signed by the participants.

  1. Go to the tab Class committees > Committees >  List.
  2. Select a session, then the concerned committees.
  3. Click on the button  in the tool bar.
  4. In the frame Select your printout: of the printing window, select the option the attendance sheets.
  5. Configure the page layout in the propose tabs.
  6. Click on the button Preview to verify the results before launching the printing.

Print the list of committees

  1. Go to the tab Class committees > Committees >  List.
  2. Select a session, then the concerned committees.
  3. Click on the button  in the tool bar.
  4. In the frame Select your printout: of the printing window, select the option the list of class committees.
  5. Configure the page layout in the proposed tabs.
  6. Click on the button Preview to verify the results before launching the printing.

Print the list of the participants

  1. Go to the tab Class committees > Committees >  List.
  2. Select a session, then the concerned committees.
  3. Click on the button  in the tool bar.
  4. In the frame Select your printout: of the printing window, select the option the summary of the convocations.
  5. Configure the page layout in the proposed tabs.
  6. Click on the button Preview to verify the results before launching the printing.

Copy the committee dates to the agenda

Dates for the class committees