Desiderata (parents/teachers meetings)

The desiderata of the participants in the parents/teachers meetings must be collected so that only the desired meetings are planned.

In any case, you must have had specified a session of meetings (Parent/Teacher meetings).


Allow the parents to enter their desiderata and unavailability via their Webspace

  1. In PRONOTE, go to the tab Communication > > .
  2. Select Parents Webspace in the drop-down menu on the top left.
  3. In the tree structure, tick Parents/Teach Meetings, and then Unavailability and Desiderata.
  4. Select Unavailability: a table appears on the right, in which you can fill in the beginning and ending dates for the entry.
  5. Select Desiderata: a table appears on the right, in which you can fill in the beginning and ending dates for the entry. By default, only the teachers can refuse a meeting from their Webspace; to give this right to the parents, tick the line No meeting. You can also modify the caption proposed to the parents.

Allow the teachers to enter their desiderata and unavailability via their Webspace

  1. In PRONOTE, go to the tab Communication > > .
  2. Select Teachers Webspace in the drop-down menu on the top left.
  3. In the category Meetings, tick Access the meetings, Enter his/her desiderata and Enter his/her unavailability.
  4. Click on the button  next to Access the meetings: in the popup window, fill in the beginning and ending dates for the entry, give or do not give the teachers the right to refuse meetings and eventually modify the proposed caption.

Monitor the entry

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Guardians/Teachers >  Desiderata.
  2. The column  indicate if the entry is in progress , completed  or has not yet began (empty box). To see the desiderata of a resource, select it.

Send a reminder by e-mail to the participants that have not entered their desiderata

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Guardians/Teachers >  Desiderata.
  2. Click on the column  to sort the list: those who have not entered their desiderata are displayed first. Select them [Ctrl + click].
  3. Click on the button  to write an e-mail or on the button  to send a standard mail that you have created beforehand in Communication > Mail >  Editing standard letters with the category Meeting (Standard letter).


Edit the forms to be filled in by the guardians and teachers

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Guardians/Teachers >  Desiderata.
  2. Select the resources in the list on the left ([Ctrl + A] to select all of them).
  3. Click on the button  in the tool bar.
  4. In the print window, select Information form to fill in. If you wish to allow the entry of unavailability, tick Authorize the entry of unavailability in the tab Contents.

Declare the desiderata

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Guardians/Teachers >  Desiderata.
  2. Select a guardian/teacher in the list on the left.
  3. For every teacher/guardian, double-click in the corresponding column (meeting optional, desired, as a priority, or no meeting).
  4. Once you are finished, tick Entry of the desiderata completed on the top right: the created meetings are displayed in the list of meetings with the icon .

Declare the unavailability

  1. Go to the tab Parents/Teachers meetings > Guardians/Teachers >Unavailability.
  2. If you have allowed the entry of unavailability, enter them for every resource by a click-drag in the concerned slots in the grid.

 Also see

Parent/Teacher meetings