Server EDT

The Server EDT is the application that allows the database to be accessed simultaneously by several users. It is installed on a sufficiently powerful machine, preferably on a dedicated partition (different from the system partition) in a non shared folder.

After the beginning of the school year, if you connect the Clients EDT to the Server PRONOTE, it is preferable shut down the activation of the base and turn off the Server EDT with the command File > Shut down the server's Window service.

Download and install the Server

  1. Download the application on Index Education’s Visit our Website site, and go to the application download page EDT > Downloads > Download EDT.
  2. In the rubric EDT 2021 Network  For the administrators and download the application.
  3. Follow the installation instructions.

Remote administration of the Server

Remotely administer

Prohibit the connection of some workstations

  1. In the application Server , click on the panel Security parameters.
  2. Go to the tab Address management (IP address).

View the workstation's IP address of the Server

In the application Server , click on the panel Publication parameters.

Migrate the Server from machine A to machine B

During the year, you might be obliged to change the machine where the Server is installed. This is what needs to be done.

On the machine that is being used

  1. Click on the button Shut down the activation to shut down the Server.
  2. Launch the command File > Create an archive > compressed (*.zip).
  3. In the popup window, select the database to be archived and click on Open.
  4. In the popup window, select the folder where to save the archive, tick the related files to be archived and then click on Save.
  5. Copy the obtained *.zip file on a removable drive.
  6. Launch the command Configuration > About and take note of the letter of the workstation on which the Server is installed: you will need it to register the license of the Server on the new machine.

On the new machine

  1. Download and install the Server.
  2. Proceed with registering of your license online (Internet connection required): launch the command File > Utilities > Automatically register your license. Have an Index Education invoice handy so that you can fill in your client reference and invoice number. Also specify your e-mail address.
  3. Put the database in place: launch the command File > Recover an archive > compressed (*.zip) and select the *.zip file on your removable drive.
  4. Click on the button Activate.

Add a Server to have two active bases

The addition of a second Server allows you to manage another base in an entirely independent manner (for example to prepare next year’s base while allowing the users to work on the current base). The parameters and users are not common to both Servers.

  1. In the application Server , go to the menu File > Add a server.
  2. Confirm the addition of a second Server: EDT adds a pane that allows you to manage this Server independently from the other. The activation of the base is the same as when using just one Server.
  3. The publication parameters of the second Server are different from the first: think of creating a new button from the Client to access the base that you have put into service (Client EDT).

Delete a Server

  1. In the application Server , go to the menu Configuration > Administration of Windows parameters.
  2. Go to the tab Windows Services.
  3. Right-click on the concerned service and choose Shut down the service.
  4. Then right-click on the panel of the Server and choose Delete.

 Also see


Client EDT

Install the applications

Recommended configuration

Relay EDT