
Guardian means the parent and/or any other person having legal responsibility or in charge of the student.

Import or update the guardians from SIECLE


Update the legal guardian’s data from a text file

If you want to import the legal guardians in the base from an Excel file, it is essential to import them the first time via the import of the students. Then you can import or update the guardians, like any other resource (Excel (import)).

Indicate the preferential guardian

One of the guardians is "preferential": he/she appears in the first position.

 New  The preferential guardian is taken into account in the addressing and therefore appears first in the mail addresses.

By default, the preferential guardian is listed in the order of priority:

But it is possible to coerce a guardian into preferential:

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Students >  Information form.
  2. Click on the tab Guardians.
  3. Click on the button  on the right of the guardian if you want to appoint him/her as the preferential guardian.
  4. In the popup window, tick Coerce as preferential. If the preferential guardian has other children in the school, EDT suggests that you make the change for all the siblings.

Extract the legal guardians

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Students >  List or  Information form.
  2. Choose the concerned students and in the menu Extract, choose Extract the guardians of the selection > "Legal" guardians.
  3. EDT switches to the list of guardians; only the concerned managers are displayed.

Send a single mail to the guardians

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Students or Guardians.
  2. In the menu Edit, choose Reinitialize all the recipients > Meetings and mail: a single mail will be generated if the two legal guardians reside at the same address (if they live at two separate addresses, each will receive their own mail).

Note: by inserting the variable Civ Stat + First name + Surname of guardians over the address, you can print the name of the second guardian in the mail and labels.

Indicate the parents want separate parents/teachers meetings

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Students >  Information form.
  2. Select the student whose parents want separate meetings.
  3. Click on the tab Guardians.
  4. Tick The legal and responsible guardians of the selected students will be convened separately.

Note: in mono-selection, click on the pencil in the rubric Parents/Teachers meetings to open the edition window and tick the option.

 Also see

Contact information

Parent/Teacher meetings