STSWEB (transferring the services)

Step 1: establish the matching for EDT/STSWEB

A compliance verification is performed during the transfer of data to STSWEB. Establishing the matching between EDT-STSWEB allows the anticipation of this stage.

Import the recent STSWEB data

Export a new *.xml file from STSWEB to establishing the matching with the recent data.

  1. In STSWEB, select the year.
  2. Click on Exports, then on Timetable and save the sts_emp_RNE-de-votre-etablisssement.xml file in a folder that you can easily find.
  3. In EDT, from the tab STSWEB, launch the command Imports/Exports > STSWEB > Establish the matching (the command is only active if you have already imported STSWEB data in your base).
  4. Indicate the *.xml file that you have just generated.

Manually establish the remaining matches

For every type of resources, EDT automatically matches most of the data. Manually establish the remaining matches (for example, it can be data that is spelled differently).

  1. In all the lists of resources from the tab STSWEB, double-click in the cell where STSWEB matching is missing.
  2. In the popup window, the STSWEB data without EDT matching is in bold: double- click on the data to be allocated.

Step 2: make a copy of the base

Compliance of the courses brings about important modifications in your base. Therefore, it is recommended to work on a copy of the base.

Make a copy of the base [Single-user version]

  1. Launch the command File > Create a copy of the base from EDT Single-user or from Client EDT connected to PRONOTE if you have acquired the rights for connection (Connection rights) and work directly connected to the PRONOTE base.
  2. Open the copy with EDT Single-user: it is with this base that you will conduct the export to STSWEB.

Make a copy of the base [Network version]

We recommend conducting the transfer from an Evaluation version of EDT Single-user. The transfer from an Evaluation version is possible if the base is a copy made from the saved version of EDT after matching the data.

  1. Launch the command File > Create a copy of the base from Client EDT (connected to your PRONOTE base if you work on a common base or connect to your EDT base if this is not the case).
  2. Download EDT Single-user from Index Education’s Internet site and select Evaluation version during the installation.
  3. Open a copy of the base with EDT Single-user: EDT detects that the base has been copied from a saved version and enables the export feature.

Step 3: ensure compliance for the courses

Identify the non-exportable courses

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Course > List.
  2. In the menu Extract, choose Extract the non-exportable courses to STSWEB.
  3. EDT only displays the non-exportable courses, indicated by the icon  in the column STSWEB. If you do not see this column, click on the button  on the top right of the list to display it (List).
  4. A prolonged click on the icon  explains why the course cannot be exported.

Indicate which courses not to export

By default, all the courses are exported. It is up to you to indicate which courses should not be exported (for example, the courses of a teacher that has not yet been created in STSWEB or a « fake » course created so that a meeting appears on the timetable…).

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Course > List.
  2. Select the courses that you do not want to export, right-click and choose Modify > Status for export to STSWEB.
  3. Double-click on Do not export.

Note: courses that are not to be exported are displayed with a red cross in the column STSWEB.

Make the necessary modifications for the courses to be exported

Go to the tab Timetable > Course >  List.

Step 4: conduct the transfer of the services

Transfer the services

 Prerequisite  The data has been matched and the courses are in compliance.

  1. In EDT, launch the command Imports/Exports > STSWEB > Export with the assistant. The assistant checks that all the data you want to export can be transferred to STSWEB.
  2. Follow the assistant’s instructions and save the generated *.xml file.

Note: if you manage several institutions in the same EDT base, you can choose the institution for which you want to export the data.

  1. In STSWEB, click on Imports, then on Timetable.
  2. Click on Browse, then choose the file generated from EDT.
  3. Specify that you want to import all the data and validate.
  4. Tick all the data and validate: if the transfer was successful, you will not receive message.