New base

You create a new base every year. There are two methods:

Method No. 1 (recommended): Create a new base from a STSWEB file


Method No. 2: Create the new base from last year’s base


If neither of these methods are suitable, create a new empty base with the command File > New Base > Empty, then enter the data or import it from a Excel file (Excel (import)).

Method No. 1: Create a new base from the STSWEB files

Create a base from the STSWEB [Single-user version]

 Prerequisite  You have exported the *.xml file from STSWEB (STSWEB (import)).

  1. In the homepage of the software, click on the button Construct a base from STSWEB.
  2. Tick the data to be imported: at a minimum the ETM (MEF), teachers and the classes. Import services only if they are up to date and you want to turn them into a course: retain the teachers present in the services only if they teach the same subjects to the same classes every year.
  3. Select the *.xml file that you generated from STSWEB.
  4. Take the time to configure the time grid (Time grid).
  5. Name and save the base.
  6. If you manage several institutions, repeat the operation by launching the command Imports/Exports > STSWEB > Import the data of another institution.

If you want, you can recover the data from an EDT base from last year (Recover data).

Create a base from the STSWEB [Network version]

 Prerequisite  You have exported the *.xml file from STSWEB (STSWEB (import)).

Stage No. 1: In the Network version, you must first create an empty base from the Server .

  1. To create a new base the Server must be inactive. If needed shut down the Server.
  2. Go to the menu File > New base: the configuration window is displayed.
  3. Take the time to configure the time grid (Time grid), then validate.
  4. Choose the folder where you want to stock the base, enter a name (for example indicating the school year) and click on Save.
  5. Once the base is created, click on the button Activate to render the base accessible from a Client.

Stage No. 2: From a Client connect to the base (Client EDT) you can recover the data from STSWEB.

  1. Go to the menu Imports/Exports > STSWEB > Recover the data .
  2. Tick the data to be imported: at a minimum the ETM (MEF), teachers and the classes, the services that can be transformed into courses. Import services only if they are up to date and you want to turn them into a course: retain the teachers present in the services only if they teach the same subjects to the same classes every year.
  3. Select the *.xml file that you generated from STSWEB.
  4. Take the time to configure the time grid (Time grid), then validate.
  5. Name and save the base.
  6. If you manage several institutions, repeat the operation by launching the command Imports/Exports > STSWEB > Import the data of another institution.

If you want, you can recover the data from an EDT base from last year (Recover data).

Method No. 2: Create the new base from last year’s base

This method allows you to recover all the data from last year (by cleaning up on the way). It is the recommended method if you used EDT last year. This does not prevent updating the data from STSWEB later.  

Create a new base from last year’s base [Single-user version]

  1. In the homepage of the software, click on the button Creation of the base from an old base.
  2. Specify the *.edt file of your old base. You do not have to choose the most recent copy, but rather a copy of the base that only contains what you are looking to recover.
  3. In the popup window, verify the dates for the new year.
  4. The subjects, classes and teachers are retained but you can choose to keep or delete other data:
    • the unavailability and constraints of the resources;
    • the students: if you are planning to recover them from SIECLE, only retain their historical records;
    • the breakdown of the periods: if you prefer not to retain them, you must choose for every breakdown the period that will serve as the reference for the timetable;
    • the courses: if you plan on a new placement, tick the option While de-positioning them; if you use room groups, replace the rooms by their group in the courses. A new automatic allocation can be launched after the placement of the courses (Room group).
  5. Save the base under a new name.

If you want, you can:

Enter data or import it from an Excel file

  1. In the homepage of the software, click on the button Create an empty new base.
  2. Take the time to configure the time grid (Time grid).
  3. Name and save the base.
  4. You can supply the base by importing the contents of the text files (Excel (import)) or enter the data directly in the lists.

Create a base from last year’s base [Network version]

Stage No. 1: In the Network version, you must first create an empty base from the Server

  1. To create a new base the Server must be inactive. If needed shut down the Server.
  2. Go to the menu File > New base: the configuration window is displayed.
  3. Take the time to configure the time grid (Time grid), then validate.
  4. Choose the folder where you want to stock the base, enter a name (for example indicating the school year) and click on Save.
  5. Once the base is created, click on the button Activate to render the base accessible from a Client.


Stage No. 2: From a Client connect to the base (Client EDT) you can recover the data from last year.

  1. Go to the menu File > New base > From an old base.
  2. Specify the *.edt file of your old base. You do not have to choose the most recent copy, but rather a copy of the base that only contains what you are looking to recover.
  3. You will transfer to Exclusive Usage mode: if other users are connected, they will be transferred to Consultation mode.
  4. In the popup window, verify the dates for the new year.
  5. The subjects, classes and teachers are retained but you can choose to keep or delete other data:
    • the unavailability and constraints of the resources;
    • the students: if you  are planning to recover them from SIECLE, only retain their historical records;
    • the breakdown of the periods: if you prefer not to retain them, you must choose for every breakdown the period that will serve as the reference for the timetable;
    • the courses: if you plan on a new placement, tick the option While de-positioning them; if you use room groups, replace the rooms by their group in the courses. A new automatic allocation can be launched after the placement of the courses (Room group).

If you want, you can:


Create an empty base [Single-user version]

  1. In the homepage of the software, click on the button Create a new empty base.
  2. Take the time to configure the time grid (Time grid).
  3. Name and save the base.

You can supply the base by importing the contents of text files (Excel (import)) or entering the data directly in the lists.

Create an empty base [Network version]

  1. In the application Server , to be able to create a new base, the Server must be inactive. If needed, shut down the Server.
  2. Click on the button : the base's configuration window is displayed.
  3. Take the time to configure the time grid (Time grid), then validate.
  4. Choose the folder where you want to stock the base, enter a name (for example indicating the school year) and click on Save.
  5. Once the base is created, click on the button Activate to render the base accessible from a Client.

You can supply the base by importing the contents of text files (Excel (import)) or entering the data directly in the lists.