ETM (pre-incoming year)

You have recovered the Educational Training Module ETM (MEF) from STSWEB. If you want to calculate the provisional requirements in EDT, you must start by verifying the recovered ETM and enter the data specific to your institution. Considering that provisional classes inherit the services of the ETM, by modifying the ETM services you avoid having to repeat a modification in the services of every class.

Check and specify the ETM recovered from STSWEB

  1. Go to the tab Pre-incoming year > ETM >  Services.
  2. In the list of ETM on the left:
    • enter the anticipated population for the coming year in the column Pop;
    • enter the maximum number of students per class in the column Stud./Cl.
  3. Select every ETM and verify its services in the list on the right.
    • activate/deactivate the services by clicking on the bullet point;
    • if necessary, modify the discipline recovered from the tab Subject;
    • enter the real population for the subjects that are not taught to all the students of the ETM (foreign  languages, electives, etc.) in the column Population;
    • enter the number of split hours (class population/2 in the column Split;
    • enter the number of hours in reduced population in the column Reduced and verify that the default population is appropriate.
  4. Note: if you have several ETM for the same level, select all of them before making modifications, you will only have to change the services in common once.

  5. If the subject of a service is not really the one that will be taught to the students, you can itemize a service and modify the discipline or the subject of every sub-service: for this, click on the button Itemize the service. You can then also add sub-services via the button Create a sub-service.

Recover the ETM of the classes from SIECLE

If you want to recover the ETM of the classes and their services, you must tick the option Update the ETM of the classes and reset their services in the student recovery window (SIECLE).

Recover the population of the programs in the ETM

The intentions of the students recovered from PRONOTE makes it possible to anticipate the specialization programs.

  1. Go to the tab Pre-incoming year > ETM >  Services.
  2. Click on the button on top of the column Population to recover the population according to the specified programs in the tab Pre-incoming year > Specializations.

Calculate the provisional requirements from the ETM

The calculation of the provisional requirements converts the ETM time volumes into shift hours per subject.

  1. Go to the tab Pre-incoming year > Provisional requirements >  Projection per subject.
  2. Select a level in the first drop-down menu.
  3. Select ETM n the second drop-down menu.
  4. For every subject, EDT calculates the number of shift hours to plan for this level. If you want to modify the Population of ETM, the Maximum number of students per class or the Maximum number of students in reduced population, return to Pre-incoming year > ETM >  Services. In the list of provisional requirements, click on the button Update the number of structures on the bottom right.

Also see

Pre-incoming year