Administrative user
In the Network version, the administrative users are those who connect to EDT in Administrative Mode (in opposition to Teacher mode). By default, there exists one user: the SPR, who has all
the rights. The creation of other users is conducted from a Client, once the base has been created and activated.
Recover the users and their authorizations from last year
Prerequisite You must login as the SPR
- Go to the menu File > User administration.
- In the popup window, click on
- Click on the button Recover the users on the bottom left.
- Select the file *.profits that contains all the user rights. If EDT does not open the folder where the file is found, look for it in C:\ProgramData\IndexEducation\EDT\SERVEUR\VERSION 2020-0\FR\Serveurs\numéro-du-serveur.
- Validate.
Create a user
Prerequisite You must login as the SPR and have created the group in which you want to add the user (User group).
- Go to the tab File > User administration.
- In the popup window, click on
- In the list on the left, select the group in which you want to create a user.
- In the list on the right, click on the creation line, enter the username, then the user's surname and first name by validating each entry with the key [Enter].
- Enter a password that the user must personalize at his/her first connection.
Define the username and password for a user
Change a user's group
Prerequisite You must login as the SPR
- Go to the menu File > User administration.
- In the popup window, click on
- Select the user in the list on the left and drag it to the new group (it must be displayed on a green background when the mouse is released).
Delete a user
Prerequisite You must login as the SPR
- Go to the menu File > User administration.
- In the popup window, click on
- Select the user, right-click and choose Delete or press the key [Del].
Also see
Disconnection of the users
User group