User group
The rights of the administrative users are managed by user groups. The users in the same group share the same authorizations. Three types of groups exist:
- type admin for the SPR and the administrative users that you want to grant a maximum of rights (authorizations in the group Administration are not modifiable);
- type modif, for the majority of users: they can modify data, but do not have as many rights as admin users;
- type consult, for users who connect only to consult the data, without modifying it. This type is only available if you have acquired the Consultation version (Consultation version).
Create a user group
There are default groups but you can create new groups of type modif or consult. There is only one group of type admin,
which cannot be modified.
Prerequisite You must login as the SPR.
- Go to the menu File > User administration.
- In the popup window, click on
- Click on the creation line, enter the name of the group and validate using the key [Enter].
- By default, the group created is of the type modif.
Note: default groups are displayed on a gray background; groups you create are displayed on a white background.
Modify the type of group
When you create a group, it is by default of the type modif.
If you have a Consultation license (Consultation version) you can transfer to consult.
Prerequisite You must login as the SPR.
- Go to the menu File > User administration.
- In the popup window, click on
- Double-click in the column Type to transfer from modif to consult or from
consult to modif.
Note: the type is not modifiable for the groups created by default.
Specify the authorizations of a group
Prerequisite You must login as the SPR.
- Go to the menu File > User administration.
- In the popup window, click on
- Select the concerned group in the list on the left (the Administration group is not modifiable).
- Select every rubric and tick the actions that you authorize for the users in this group.
Note: if you work on a PRONOTE base, a tab PRONOTE is displayed next to the tab EDT. This way you can manage the granted authorizations in both software from either one or the other.
Create a user in a group
Administrative user