Pedagogical weight
To limit during the same day the number of course hours of subjects said to be “hard”, you definite weights for every subject and set a maximum weight limit for the day or half-day.
Specify the pedagogical weights for every subject
- Go to the tab Timetable > Subjects >
Pedagogical weights.
- In the list on the left, select the classes for which the pedagogical weights will pertain.
- Click in the column Weight to allocate a weight to each subject (from 0 to 10) or use the multi-selection via the command Modify > Pedagogical weight.
- In the bottom frame, you can limit the weight of the days, mornings and afternoons. These limits are valid for all the institution’s classes.
See the weight calculations in the timetables
- Go to the tab Timetable > Classes/Students >
- EDT displays three figures on the bottom of each day: the pedagogical weights for the morning, afternoon and the day. When the weights exceed the defined limit, they are displayed in red.