Mail recipients
Generate a single letter when the parents live at the same address
- Go to the tab Timetable > Guardians >
- In the menu Edit, select Reinitialize all the recipients > Meetings and mail.
- Confirm: when EDT detects an identical address for the second guardian, it automatically un-ticks the options in the form corresponding to mail (Administrative Information, Report cards,
Gradebooks... Absences, Punishments… and Meetings…). This way both parents living at different
addresses will continue to receive a mail, but only one mail will be sent if the parents have a common residence.
New Choose the guardian who appears first on the mailings
- Go to the tab Timetable > Students >
Information form.
- Select the student in the list on the left.
- Click on the tab Guardian in the panel on the right.
- Click on the button
of the guardian.
- In the popup window, tick Coerce as preferential.
Also see
Contact preferences