
Modify your password

If you are authorized by your institution, you can modify your password.

  1. In the rubric Password, click on Modify.
  2. In the window that is displayed, enter your actual password.
  3. Then enter the new password and then renew the entry to confirm.
  4. Click on the button Validate.

Enter/Modify your coordinates

If you are authorized by your institution, you can update your personal information.

  1. In the rubric Coordinates, specify/modify the wanted fields (postal address, e-mail address or telephone number).
  2. Click on the button  located on the top right to save your entry.

Modify your contact preferences

If you are authorized by your institution, you can choose your communication modes.

  1. In the rubric Authorizations, tick the wanted communication modes.
  2. Click on the button  located on the top right to save your entry.