Entry of the grades

Find the display


The grades are associated with a test, which is entered in a grading service. Therefore, the corresponding grading service must have been created beforehand.

Remark: the period is sealed if the icon  appears in the drop-down menu of the period. No test/grade can be entered in this period.

Create a test

  1. Select a class, period and grading service in the upper drop-down menus.
  2. Click on the button Create a test.
  3. In the popup window, specify the different characteristics of the test and validate: 

Modify a test

  1. Select the class, period and grading service in the upper drop-down menus.
  2. Click on the date of the test in the grade table to open the modification window.

Enter the grades for a test

  1. Select the class, period and grading service in which you have created the test.
  2. Click in the test's column to enter the grades. Press the key [Enter] to move to the next student.

You can also enter an annotation instead of a grade:

Remark: you can display the photo and coordinates of the student while entering the grade.

Copy a grade table in Excel (or another spreadsheet)

  1. Select the class, period and grading service in the upper drop-down menus.
  2. Click on the button  on the top right of the list to copy the grade table.
  3. Use [Ctrl + V] in your spreadsheet to paste the list of students with their grades.

Display the tests in chronological or reverse chronological order

A click on the button  on the top right modifies the order of the tests in the grade table.

Mask the former students in the list

Click on the button  on the top right.


Catch-up test

Creating a catch-up test allows you to take into account the new grades while retaining all the initial grades: either the new grades replace the old, or HYPERPLANNING takes the average of the two.

  1. Select the class, period and grading service in which you have created the test.
  2. Click on the date of the test in the grade table to open the modification window.
  3. Click on the button Create a catch-up.
  4. The window expands: indicate the grade below which the students can take the catch-up, the date of the catch-up as well as the way the grade should be taken into account.
  5. It is possible to configure the catch-up so that the grade does not replaces the initial grade of the test, but the average of the grading service of the test's period.
  6. A second column where you can enter the new grades is displayed next to the first.

Remark: according to what is defined in the report card mock-up, the catch-up grade of the test can be shown next to or in place of the initial grade.

Delete a catch-up test

  1. Click on the date of the test in the grade table to open the modification window.
  2. Click on the deletion icon on the top right.
  3. Click on Validate.

Average of the service

Weight the grades

  1. Select a class, period and grading service in the upper drop-down menus.
  2. On the bottom of the screen, tick the highest grade and/or the lowest grade and enter the number of points.

Round off the averages

  1. Select a class, period and grading service in the upper drop-down menus.
  2. On the bottom of the screen, choose the round off mode by selecting the exactitude (up to one tenth of a point) in the drop-down menu and by selecting rounded-off upward or to the nearest. You can choose a different round off mode for the averages of the students (Student rounded-off) and for the averages of the classes (Public rounded-off).

Enter a bonus/penalty

  1. Select a class, period and grading service in the upper drop-down menus.
  2. On the bottom of the screen, choose the option Take into consideration the bonus/penalty.
  3. A column appears where you can enter the points to be added or subtracted to the average of the service (if subtracted, make sure you add a negative sign).

Modify the coefficient of the service for the calculation of the overall average

  1. Select a class, period and grading service in the upper drop-down menus.
  2. On the bottom of the screen, modify the field Coefficient.

Indicate that the service is optional

  1. Select a class, period and grading service in the upper drop-down menus.
  2. On the bottom of the screen, tick Optional.