Roll call sheet

Find the display

Perform a roll call for a course

  1. From the top drop-down menus, select a class or teacher, then the date of the course (by default, it is the day's date).
  2. Select the course to display the list of its students. If the student was absent for the preceding course, it is displayed with the icon .
  3. Click in the columns Absences, Tardiness and Exemptions to enter the corresponding events. If necessary, modify the duration of the tardiness (by a click on the duration) as well as the absence motive (a click on the colored rectangle opens a window where you can select the wanted motive).
  4. Tick Roll call completed on the bottom of the roll call sheet so that it can be taken into account by the administration.

Remark: you can display the student's photo and coordinates while entering an absence or tardiness.

Print the roll call sheet for a course

  1. From the top drop-down menus, select a class or teacher and then the date of the course (by default, it is the day's date).
  2. Select the course and click on the button  on the top right.
  3. In the popup window, choose the layout options (orientation and row height).
  4. Click on Generate: the PDF is displayed in a new tab of the browser.
  5. Print the generated PDF.