
The iCal (*.ics) files generated by EDT can be read by most personal agenda and applications.

Authorize the teachers to export their timetable in an iCal format

If authorized, the teachers can export their timetables from a Client EDT or, if you have PRONOTE, synchronize them with their personal agenda from the Teachers Webspace.

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Teachers >  Authorization profiles.
  2. Select the concerned profile.
  3. In the category Consultation of the timetables, tick Download the timetable in an iCal format. The teachers can then recover their timetable or conduct a synchronization with their agenda.

Manually export the timetables in an iCal format

  1. In all the displays  Timetable and  Timetable of the week, select the resource(s) whose timetable you want to export.
  2. Launch the command Imports/Exports > ICAL > Export in an iCal format.
  3. In the export window, go to the tab iCal parameters and tick the information that will appear in the courses.
  4. Highlight the concerned weeks in the bottom slider.
  5. Click on the button Generate. EDT generates an *.ics file per resource. By default, the *.ics files are found in the folder C:\ProgramData\IndexEducation\EDT\MONOPOSTE-or-CLIENT\VERSION 2020-0\FR\ical