
Indicate the boarding students

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Students >  Form.
  2. Select the students with the same regime (Student regimes)..
  3. In the tab Identity and studies, click on the field Regime, then select the regime Boarder in the institution in the drop-down menu.
  4. By clicking on the button , verify that the three meals are ticked if you want to enter the absence for these meals using PRONOTE.
  5. Eventually un-tick the days when the selected students do not have a meal in the institution.

Fill in the dorm and room number of a boarder

 Prerequisite  It is necessary that a regime implicates that the student is allocated to the boarding school.

  1. Go to the tab Timetable > Students >  Form.
  2. Select the student in the list on the left to display his/her form.
  3. In the tab Identity and studies, click on the button  of the rubric Studies to edit the information form.
  4. In the popup window, go to the tab Regimes, then fill in the fields Room No. and Dormitory.
  5. Validate.