Align the classes (pre-incoming year)

Aligning the classes allows the adjustment of the provisional requirements and generate the complex courses during the automatic creation of the courses. Two methods are possible to align classes:

Align the classes during the projection of the requirements

It is possible to align classes from different levels.

  1. Go to the tab Pre-incoming year > Provisional requirements > List.
  2. In the drop-down menu, select a level or Selection classes  to precisely choose the classes to be considered.
  3. Select the classes that will have courses together, right-click and choose Align the hours.
  4. EDT assembles the three lines and forms one. You can enter the actual number of classes needed. The needs in teaching hours are automatically calculated.

Align the classes during the during the preparation of the courses

  1. Go to the tab Pre-incoming year > Preparation of the courses >  Align the services.
  2. Select the teachers to be organized in the same time slot, for example those of LL2.
  3. Click on the button Align on the bottom of the screen.
  4. Verify the alignment in the popup window. EDT plans one teacher per subject (not yet assigned): you can plan for more by entering a number in the No. add. teach. column or by naming them from the Teachers column.
  5. Choose a generic subject and eventually a color that will allow you to notice the alignment in the table.
  6. Validate: EDT updates the needs in teaching hours according to the number of foreseen teachers. A click on one of the services selects all the teaching services.